- vhdl中buffer与inout的区别
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_bit.all;entity clock is
port (clk, inch, incm, incha, incma, set_alarm, alarm_off:in bit;
hours, ahours, minutes, aminutes, seconds: inout unsigned(7 downto 0);
am_pm, aam_pm, ring: inout bit;
alarm_set: inout bit);
end clock;architecture clock1 of clock is
component CTR_59 is
port(clk, inc, reset:in bit;dout: out unsigned(7 downto 0);
t59: out bit);
end component;component CTR_12 IS
port(clk, inc: in bit; dout: out unsigned(7 downto 0);am_pm: inout bit);
end component;signal s59 , m59 , inchr , incmin ,c99 :bit;
signal alarm_ring_time :integer range 0 to 50;
signal div100:integer range 0 to 99; abegin
sec1:ctr_59 port map(clk,c99,'0',seconds,s59);
min1:ctr_59 port map(clk,incmin,'0',minutes,m59);
hrs1:ctr_12 port map(clk,inchr,hours,am_pm);
incmin<=(s59 and c99)or incm;
inchr<=(m59 and s59 and c99)or inch;
alarm_min:ctr_59 port map(clk,incma,'0',aminutes,open);
alarm_hr:ctr_12 port map(clk,incha,ahours,aam_pm);
c99<='1' when div100 =99 else '0';
if clk'event and clk='1' then
if c99='1' then div100<= 0;
else div100<=div100+1;
end if;
if set_alarm='1' then
alarm_set <=not alarm_set;
end if;
if ((minutes=aminutes)and(hours=ahours)and(am_pm=aam_pm))and seconds=0 and alarm_set='1' then
end if;
if ring='1' and c99='1' then
end if;
if alarm_ring_time=50 or alarm_off='1' then
end if;
end if;
end process;
end clock1;这段程序出自数字系统设计与VHDL(第二版)385-386页,书上使用的是inout,但是我换成buffer仿真结果也没有区别,请问大家这里有必须要用inout的理由嘛?