From SAP ERP 6.0 to SAP S/4 HANA in Four Steps

SAP ERP 6.0 to SAP S/4 HANA in Four Steps



You can migrate to SAP S/4HANA using
the standard migration paths. For those already running SAP ERP 6.0,
a system conversion is the correct method.

is the next generation of the SAP Business Suite enterprise software
from SAP. Based on the SAP
in-memory platform, SAP developers have carefully tailored the solution
to meet the needs and challenges of the digital economy. Not only can companies
optimize existing processes, but they can now also realize new processes to
assert their advantage in the digital competition.

By employing SAP S/4HANA as the
digital core of their IT architectures, enterprises can firmly focus on digital
processes, where business scenarios are effectively implemented and powerfully
marketed. As such, SAP S/4HANA is more than just a successor to SAP
Business Suite, it represents a completely new product line.

The migration to SAP S/4HANA is
therefore not a one-off project such as an upgrade or database migration.
Instead, it involves the entire IT system landscape. Enterprises should always
plan the transformation in terms of their optimum future SAP target
architecture. This makes life much simpler for users: Thanks to the holistic
nature of the transformation, it allows often complex and heterogeneous IT
system landscapes to be eliminated (unlike a pure migration to SAP HANA),
laying the foundations for simpler, more streamlined processes.


Three Paths
to the Destination

As with the SAP Business Suite,
enterprises can choose from three possible methods for migrating to
SAP S/4HANA: greenfield, system conversion, or landscape transformation.
In assessing which path is the right path, the target architecture alluded to
above is very important (more on this topic later in the first article of our
series “SAP
S/4HANA: Chart the Route for Digital Transformation
”). Companies that are already running SAP ERP 6.0 (enhancement package 0 and
higher) can migrate directly to SAP S/4 HANA with a system conversion.

Which path is the right path for my company? A decision matrix illustrates
the various paths for migrating to SAP S/4HANA.



In technical terms, a system conversion to
SAP S/4HANA retains the system ID for Customizing, development, data,
authorizations, and interfaces. This is also known as in-place migration. For
systems running SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement package 0 and higher,
companies can migrate directly to SAP S/4HANA without having to upgrade to
a higher enhancement package. This assumes that the system is already a Unicode
system. Following the release of SAP NetWeaver 7.5, SAP only supports
Unicode systems. If a company’s system is not Unicode, it must be converted to
Unicode before the conversion. The actual system conversion to SAP S/4HANA
is supported by the SUM-DMO, the Software Update Manager with Database
Migration Option. This helps companies upgrade and migrate databases in one
step, meaning just one period of downtime.


Checks Pave the Way for the Migration

To ensure the migration is successful,
companies need to adjust their IT systems to meet the framework requirements of
SAP S/4HANA during the system conversion. It is best to analyze the
required adjustments in four steps. This “readiness check” for SAP S4/HANA
should be performed as early as possible to obtain an overview of possible
adjustments. These preparatory measures can then be analyzed during live
operation where applicable.


Step 1:
Maintenance Planner

The Maintenance Planner checks an
organization’s business functions, industry solutions, and IT system add-ons.
If the check does not produce a valid conversion path (for example, because an
add-on has not yet been published), the Maintenance Planner prevents the system
conversion because no stack XML file can be generated. In this case, the relevant
partner should be contacted to find out when the add-on will be released. For
sandbox system conversions, it is possible to create an exception to continue
the system conversion without an add-on release.


Step 2:
Simplification List

At a functional level, the simplification
list provides a detailed description of how SAP S/4HANA will impact the
individual transactions and solution functions of the SAP ERP system. If
this list shows transactions or functions no longer exist, this does not mean
that certain functions will be lost. Instead, these functions will be merged
with other elements or reflected in a new solution or architecture.

The individual objects of the
simplification list are dependent on the current SAP S4/HANA Feature
Package Stack, and can be grouped into the following categories:

  • Changes to existing functions
  • Functions no longer supported
  • Functions that are no longer strategic

    At present, numerous objects of the
    simplification list can already analyzed using pre-checks (see the next step).
    Other automated processes to determine whether simplification objects are
    relevant with regard to customer-specific system usage are currently being
    planned. It is worth noting that not all points are relevant for a system.
    Instead, the effort required for the conversion should be determined for the
    relevant points.


    Step 3:

    Pre-checks review the system settings that
    are required to perform the actual system conversion. These are available to
    customers in the form of SAP Notes, and can therefore also be used in
    step 2.


    Step 4:
    Review the Customer Codes

    One of the most important features of
    SAP S4/HANA is the simplification of the data model. SAP provides
    compatibility views for tables that are no longer required in the migration to
    SAP S/4HANA. SAP also provides a check tool based on
    SAP NetWeaver 7.5 that checks necessary adjustments, for example
    adjustments required for field length extensions. The SAP S/4HANA
    simplifications can be imported in a file, and compared with a code extract of
    the SAP ERP system. A list is created showing the reviewed customer code
    and indicating any code that needs to be changed to make it compatible with
    SAP S/4HANA. There are plans to fully integrate these checks as a check
    variant of the SAP Code Inspector in future. The tool currently supports
    checks of the adjustment of the material number lengths.


    via SAP S/4HANA Finance

    The migration to SAP S/4HANA can also
    be performed with an interim step for SAP S/4HANA Finance. The logistical
    processes have not yet been simplified in this step. In technical terms, this
    is an add-on that is available as an add-on for enhancement package 7 for
    version 1503, or an add-on for enhancement package 8 for
    version 1605. Again, the migration is possible in one step, and the system
    must be a Unicode system. SAP provides customers with an ABAP report to check
    the requirements for this type of migration. This report must be run in the
    local SAP ERP system.






时间: 2024-09-20 09:25:28

From SAP ERP 6.0 to SAP S/4 HANA in Four Steps的相关文章

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《SAP ERP财务:配置与设计(第2版)》—— 导读

内 容 提 要本书由浅入深.由易到难地对SAP ERP财务进行了系统讲解,包括SAP概览.SAP企业结构.SAP ERP财务会计全局设置.新总账.应付账款.应收账款.资产会计.SAP ERP财务中的成本控制.SAP ERP财务的集成.数据迁移.期末结账.SAP ERP财务报告.SAP ERP财务的实施和支持等内容. 通过本书,可以掌握设计和配置一个SAP ERP财务实施所需要面对的最重要的问题.这本畅销书的第2版进行了彻底的更新,提供了更全面.更详尽的内容,从SAP ERP财务的常用功能以及它们

《SAP ERP财务:配置与设计(第2版)》——1.6 小结

1.6 小结 SAP ERP财务:配置与设计(第2版)本入门章节所提供的这些基本概念能让你从本书的其他部分获取最大的收益.本章包含了以下方面的内容: 编著本书的主要目的: SAP简介: 项目的不同种类以及成功的项目实施所要考虑的关键点: 一些基本的导航方法. 在下一章中,我们将开始学习SAP企业结构,企业结构是建立SAP ERP财务配置的基础.