Qt SDK 1.1 Technology Preview发布

Nokia 今天发布了 Qt 1.1 SDK Technology ">Preview. 该版本基于 Qt 4.7,可让开发人员很方便的进行 Symbian、Maemo 5 和桌面应用的开发,该版本使得 Symbian 开发者很方便的使用系统 API。

Qt SDK 包括:

·Qt Creator 2.1 RC, which includes the first iteration of tooling support for Qt Quick.
·Qt 4.7.1 for Symbian (Symbian^1 and Symbian^3), in both the tool chain and as sis packages (for installation to a device).
·Qt Mobility 1.1 for Symbian (Symbian^1 and Symbian^3).
·N900 (Maemo) target allows development with Qt 4.7.
·Qt Simulator uses Qt 4.7.1 and Qt 1.1.

With great excitement to announce the immediate availability of the Qt SDK 1.1 Technology Preview that supports mobile and desktop platforms. The new SDK is a merge of the Nokia Qt SDK 1.0 and the last Qt SDK, based on Qt 4.7.

The target of the Qt SDK 1.1 is to easily get started with Qt Quick development on Symbian, Maemo5 and the desktop. Specifically this means

Qt Mobility 1.1 for Symbian targets (both Symbian^1 and Symbian^3) adding many new features and fixes
The N900 target allows development with Qt 4.7

Qt Simulator uses Qt 4.7.1 as well as Qt Mobility 1.1 as a basis for development
The new Qt SDK 1.1 Technology Preview enables developers targeting desktop platforms to use the same setup, features and environment as developers targeting platforms. This eases the migration of desktop applications to mobile platforms (Have you heard about the “Qtest Mobile App Port” contest yet?).

Qt SDK 1.1 很重要的一点还包含 Qt Quick Designer 这是 Qt Creator IDE 的一部分,是一个所见即所得的编辑器用来创建基于QML的用户界面、动画和其他可视化元素。

The 1.1 release of the Qt SDK is particularly important because it marks the inclusion of Qt Quick/QML technology tooling for the first time. The Qt Quick Designer, part of the Qt Creator IDE, is a WYSIWYG editor, which allows for the rapid creation and iteration of QML based user interfaces, animations, transitions and other visual elements.

The Qt Labs blog notes that, in response to developer feedback, support for using native Symbian APIs has been improved. It is now possible to optionally enable the use of native Symbian APIs; this can be done via the installer or the maintenance tool.

The SDK also updated the remote compiler functionality, allowing developers to use the updated version of this service with the Qt and Qt Mobility releases. The remote compiler allows developers to remotely compile their project on a remotely hosted server; this allows developers on Linux and Mac computers to more easily create applications that will run on Symbian devices. In addition, the recently announced Notifications API is now supported in experimental form.

时间: 2024-10-30 07:42:36

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