
Local Outlier Factor

Given local outlier factors, we can detect the outliers that are always away from most of the samples. In order to outline the algorithm, some concepts must go first:
Reachability Distance


where x(k) stands for the kth point nearest to x in training set {xi}ni=1. Note that k is manually selected.
Local Reachability Density


Local Outlier Factor


Evidently, as the LOF of x ascends, the probability that x is an outlier also goes up. Theoretically, it is an easy algorithm with intuitive principle. However, when n is a very large number, it also requires tremendous computation amount.

Here is a simple example

n=100; x=[(rand(n/2,2)-0.5)*20; randn(n/2,2)]; x(n,1)=14;
k=3; x2=sum(x.^2,2);
[s, t]=sort(sqrt(repmat(x2,1,n)+repmat(x2',n,1)-2*x*x'), 2);

for i=1:k+1
    for j=1:k
        RD(:,j)=max(s(t(t(:,i),j+1),k), s(t(:,i),j+1));

figure(1); clf; hold on
for i=1:n
    plot(x(i,1),x(i,2),'bo', 'MarkerSize', LOF(i)*10);

KL Divergence

In unsupervised learning problems, there is usually little information about the outliers. However, when some known normal sample set {x′i′}n′i′=1 is given, we may be confident to figure out the outliers in the test set {xi}ni=1 to some degree.
Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, also known as Relative Entropy, is a powerful tool to estimate the probability density ratio of normal samples to test samples-


where p′(x) is the probability density of normal samples and p(x) is that of test ones, and avoid direct calculation of the ratio. The ratio of normal sample approaches 1 but of an outlier is away from 1.
To begin with, let transform the model of density ratio to a parameterized linear model:


where α=(α1,⋯,αb)T is the parameter vector and ψ(x)=(ψ1,⋯,ψb)T is a non-negative basis function vector. Then wα(x)p(x) can be seen as an estimation of p′(x). Define the similarity between wα(x)p(x) and p′(x) as KL distance, i.e.


In general case, KL distance is non-negative and equals to zero only if wαp=p′. When KL distance is considerably small, wαp can be regarded near to p′. In order to guarantee that wαp is well-defined, we apply the following constraint


Then by approximation, we can transform the estimation above to the following optimal problem:


We briefly summarize the estimation process:

  1. Initialize α.
  2. Repeatedly carry out the following process until α comes a suitable precision:
    1. α←α+ϵAT(1./Aα)
    2. α←α+(1−bTα)b(bTb)
    3. α←max(0,α)
    4. α←α/(bTα)

where A is the matrix whose (i′,j)th element is ψj(x′i′). b is the vector whose jth element is 1n∑ni=1ψj(xi).

Here is an example (Gaussian Kernal Model):

function [ a ] = KLIEP( k, r )

a0=rand(size(k,2),1); b=mean(r)'; c=sum(b.^2);
for o=1:1000
    a=a0+0.01*k'*(1./k*a0); a=a+b*(1-sum(b.*a))/c;
    a=max(0,a); a=a/sum(b.*a);
    if norm(a-a0)<0.001, break, end

n=100; x=randn(n,1); y=randn(n,1); y(n)=5;
hhs=2*[1,5,10].^2; m=5;
x2=x.^2; xx=repmat(x2,1,n)+repmat(x2',n,1)-2*(x*x');
y2=y.^2; yx=repmat(y2,1,n)+repmat(x2',n,1)-2*y*x';

for hk=1:length(hhs)
    hh=hhs(hk);k=exp(-xx/hh); r=exp(-yx/hh);
    for i=1:m
k=exp(-xx/HH); r=exp(-yx/HH); s=r*KLIEP(k,r);

figure(1); clf; hold on; plot(y,s,'rx');


Furthermore, outlier detection can be done using support vector machine techniques. Due to the time limit, we just outline the main structure of that algorithm.
A typical SVM outlier detector gives a hyper-ball that contains nearly all the sample points. Then a point which is outlying the hyper-ball can be seen as an outlier. Concretely speaking, we get the center c and radius R by solving the following optimal problem:


It can be solved by using Lagrange multiplers:


Then its dual problem can be formulated as:


KKT condition:


Therefore, the dual problem can be solved by


It is in the form of typical quadratic programming problem. After solving it, we are able to further solve c and R:


where xi is the support vector satisfying ∥xi−c∥2=R2 and 0<αi<C.
Hence, when a sample point x satisfies


it can be viewed as an outlier.

时间: 2024-10-28 06:39:26


机器学习-异常检测算法(二):Local Outlier Factor

Local Outlier Factor(LOF)是基于密度的经典算法(Breuning et.al. 2000), 文章发表于 SIGMOD 2000, 到目前已经有 3000+ 的引用.在 LOF 之前的异常检测算法大多是基于统计方法的,或者是借用了一些聚类算法用于异常点的识别(比如 ,DBSCAN,OPTICS).但是,基于统计的异常检测算法通常需要假设数据服从特定的概率分布,这个假设往往是不成立的.而聚类的方法通常只能给出 0/1 的判断(即:是不是异常点),不能量化每个数据点的异常程度


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一.第一种理解 相对熵(relative entropy)又称为KL散度(Kullback–Leibler divergence,简称KLD),信息散度(information divergence),信息增益(information gain).  KL散度是两个概率分布P和Q差别的非对称性的度量.       KL散度是用来度量使用基于Q的编码来编码来自P的样本平均所需的额外的比特个数. 典型情况下,P表示数据的真实分布,Q表示数据的理论分布,模型分布,或P的近似分布. 根据shannon的


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