Gentoo Linux LiveDVD 11.0发布 面向开发和网络职业人员

Gentoo是一个基于Linux的自由操作系统,它能为几乎任何应用程序或需求自动地作出优化和定制。追求极限的配置、性能,以及顶尖的用户和开发者社区,都是Gentoo体验的标志特点。 Gentoo的哲学是自由和选择。得益于一种称为Portage的技术,Gentoo能成为理想的安全服务器、开发工作站、专业桌面、游戏系统、嵌入式解决方案或者别的东西——你想让它成为什么,它就可以成为什么。由于它近乎无限的适应性,可把Gentoo称作元发行版。


Gentoo Linux is proud to announce the availability of a new LiveDVD to celebrate the continued collaboration between Gentoo users and developers. The LiveDVD features a superb list of packages, some of which are listed below.

·System packages include: Linux Kernel 2.6.37 (with Gentoo patches), Accessibility Support with Speakup 3.1.6, bash 4.1, glibc 2.12.2, gcc 4.5.2, binutils 2.21, python 2.7.1 and 3.1.3, perl 5.12.3, and more.

·Desktop environments and window managers include: KDE SC 4.6, GNOME 2.32, Xfce 4.8, Enlightenment 1.0.7, Openbox, Fluxbox 1.3.1, XBMC 10.0 and more.


·Office, graphics, and productivity applications include: OpenOffice 3.2.1, XEmacs 21.5.29 gVim 7.3.102, Abiword 2.8.6, GnuCash 2.2.9, Scribus 1.9.3, GIMP 2.6.11, Inkscape 0.48.1, Blender 2.49b, XSane 0.997, and much more.

·Web browsers include: Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13, Arora 0.11.0, Opera 11.0, Epiphany 2.30.6, Seamonkey 2.0.11, and other favorites.

·Communication tools include: Pidgin 2.7.10, Quassel 0.7.1, Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1.7, Claws Mail 3.7.8, Qtwitter 0.10.0, irssi 0.8.15, and many more.

·Development applications include: KDevelop 4.2, KDESvn 1.5.5, qt-creator 2.1.0, Bluefish 2.0.2, and many more.

·Multimedia applications include: Amarok 2.4, MPlayer 1.0_rc4, DVDAuthor 0.6.14, LAME 3.98.4, ffmpeg 0.6, GNOME-MPlayer 1.0.0, SMPlayer 0.6.9, and several others.

·Special Features:
Writable AUFS support so you can emerge new packages!
Persistancy for $HOME is available; press F9 for more info!


The LiveDVD is available in two flavors: a hybrid x86/x86_64 version, and an x86_64 multilib version. The livedvd-x86-amd64-32ul-11.0 version will work on 32-bit x86 or 64-bit x86_64. If your CPU architecture is x86, then boot with the default gentoo kernel. If your arch is amd64 boot with the gentoo64 kernel. This means you can boot a 64bit kernel and install a customized 64bit userland while using the provided 32bit userland. The livedvd-amd64-multilib-11.0 version is for x86_64 only.

livedvd-x86-amd64-32ul-11.0.iso (2,351MB, MD5, torrent)
livedvd-amd64-multilib-11.0.iso (2,574MB, MD5, torrent).

时间: 2024-12-31 12:35:40

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