China Unicom and Chunghwa Telecom work together&nb

China Unicom and Chunghwa Telecom are planning to work together on iPhone platform. Incidentally, both the companies are Apple’s iPhone sole agent.

Discussion on this were held when Chang Xiaobing , chairman of China Unicom and Zhang Xiaodong , president of Chunghwa Telecom held a meeting recently just a few minutes before the Mobile Asia Congress 2009 taking place in Hongkong.

Officials said that besides talking about the regulation on existing roaming price between the two operators, the heads of the companies also focused on iPhone value-added service platform.

Chunghwa Telecom’s value-added service platform was named “HaMi”, which contains food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, supporting Apple’s iPhone, and other smartphones based-on Microsoft Windows Mobile and Google Android and so on .

While China Unicom had won 1million 3G users up to October this year and Chang Xiaobing thinks it’s time to set up a value-added service platform now especially for iPhone users.

Though the debut of iPhone is not as good as experts expected and it is said that only 5,000 iPhone were sold out in the first four days, China Unicom has confidence that iPhone sales volume can reach 1 million per month in the next months.


时间: 2024-12-21 23:49:25

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