ubuntu-code::block Couldn't find method std::vector


code::block Couldn't find method std::vector

求教给位大大, 小弟初学 c::b 各种不习惯, 现在慢慢熟悉觉得不错,但在ubuntu14.1下 调试的时候发现无法查看容器内部调试数值,请各位前辈帮忙,我实在不想放弃 code::block.

 int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > ff;  // 抛开效率低下的问题
    std::vector<std::string> add1, add2;
    add1.push_back("a"); add1.push_back("b"); add1.push_back("c");
    add2.push_back("d"); add2.push_back("e");
    ff.push_back(add1); ff.push_back(add2);

    return 0;


Couldn't find installable ISAM."这条错误信息,什么含义
Couldn't find installable ISAM."这条错误信息,什么含义
Monitor类:Object synchronization method was called from an unsynchronized block of code.



时间: 2024-11-08 18:22:48

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Block 定义 some_array.each { |value| puts value + 3 } sum = 0 other_array.each do |value| sum += value puts value / sum end     A block is somewhat like the body of an anonymous method     Block can take parameters     Block 只有被 method 调用时才会起作用,如果 meth