Running data-intensive code in the JVM and making it well-behaved is tricky. Systems that put billions of data objects naively onto the JVM heap face unpredictable OutOfMemoryErrors and Garbage Collection stalls. Of course, you still want to to keep
Description Resource Path Location Type Java compiler level does not match the version of the instal 解决办法 在项目上右键Properties->Project Facets,在打开的Project Facets页面中的Java下拉列表中,选择相应版本. 有可能是java1.6 改成java6之类的
(inkfish原创,转载请注明出处: 为寻求java代码的性能优化,从网上搜到利用final关键字进行编译时inline优化的方法,但是真的有效吗?实际测试中发现未必,甚至性能影响巨大,最终放弃了使用final优化的想法. 测试环境:Windows XP SP2,JDK 1.6.0_15-b03,Eclipse 3.5 SR1. package test; public class Test { public static voi