Handling Checkboxes, Radio Buttons and Select Options in jQuery [转]

I figured I’d share how I’ve dealt with some form elements in jQuery. Sometimes you have to look at the docs a few times before you get what you can do, so I think these examples might help someone out there.

Here is how you can handle a change in a dropdown (SELECT tag with an ID that is “layer_image”):

switch ($(this).val())
case '0':

Granted I could of used toggle() to do the same thing I figured it was better to show an example using the switch statement.

Here is an example of handling a checkbox (INPUT tag with an name attribute of “option_linkwindow”):

if ($("input[@name='option_linkwindow']").is(":checked"))

Here is another example of handling a checkbox (INPUT tag with a name attribute of “option_summary”):


And now an example of handling the following radio buttons:

<input type="radio" name="option_layout" value="0" checked="checked" />
<input type="radio" name="option_layout" value="1" />

And now the jQuery code for handling them:

if ($("input[@name='option_layout']:checked").val())

Tags: jquery

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