oracle 11.2的grid中安装10g database报错OUI-35000

操作系统版本是Solaris 10,安装完11.2的grid之后,安装11g的RAC database没有问题。但是在安装10g RAC database的时候,进度条到50%,总是报OUI-35000 Fatal Cluster Error的错误。


用ssh node1 date和ssh node2 date检查各个节点的互信,都没有问题。但是用下面的命令检查却报错互信有问题。

./ stage -pre crsinst -n node1,node2
而根据OUI-35000 Fatal Cluster Error Encountered (Doc ID 752217.1),设置权限/etc/services to 644并不适合solaris环境,在solaris环境中,这个文件的权限是444,但是按照文档设置成644,甚至777,都还是报错OUI-35000。

我们去找找OUI的log。这个log所在的目录,需要根据central inventory目录:

server01:inst01 > cat /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
server01:inst01 >


ls –l
-rw-r-----   1 op11g    oinstall       0 Feb 16 10:58 oraInstall2016-02-16_10-58-08AM.err
-rw-r-----   1 op11g    oinstall   33151 Feb 16 11:01 installActions2016-02-16_10-58-08AM.log
-rw-r-----   1 op11g    oinstall       0 Feb 16 11:18 oraInstall2016-02-16_11-18-04AM.out
-rw-r-----   1 op11g    oinstall       0 Feb 16 11:18 oraInstall2016-02-16_11-18-04AM.err
-rw-r-----   1 op11g    oinstall   33246 Feb 16 11:21 installActions2016-02-16_11-18-04AM.log <<<<<<<<<<安装失败的这个日志
server01:inst01 > vi installActions2016-02-16_11-18-04AM.log
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of 'oracle.swd.oui.core_10.' to '/myop/app/oracle/rdbms/10g/'. Received the value from the variable calculation.
INFO: Performing operation for OUI Oracle Home access setup
INFO: Unable to read /myop/app/oracle/rdbms/10g/ Some inventory information may be lost.
INFO: SRVM ClusterInfo.IsLocalOnly() called. Return value obtained is 'true'.
INFO: The CRS clusterware location for '' is '/oracle_grid/11.2.0/grid'.
INFO: CRS clusterware detected.
INFO: Cluster system is detected by the clusterware.
INFO: Node selection page will be shown for a new home on the cluster system.
INFO: The cluster node list 'server01,server02' is derived from the clusterware stack.
INFO: Local node 'server01' is derived from the clusterware stack.
INFO: Setting variable 'LOCAL_NODE' to 'server01'. Received the value from a code block.
SEVERE: oracle.ops.mgmt.cluster.SharedDeviceException: PRKC-1044 : Failed to check remote command execution setup for node server02 using shells /usr/local/bin/ssh and /usr/bin/rsh
File "/usr/local/bin/ssh" does not exist on node "server02" <<<<<<注意这里,显示了报错的原因
server02: Connection refused
        at oracle.ops.mgmt.nativesystem.UnixSystem.testCFSFile(
        at oracle.ops.mgmt.nativesystem.UnixSystem.isSharedPath(
        at oracle.ops.mgmt.cluster.Cluster.isSharedPath(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.oiipg.OiipgCFSDriveCheck.isSharedPath(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.oiipg.OiipgCFSDriveCheck.isDriveOnCFS(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwNodeSelWCDE.initialize(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbCondIterator.iterate(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicDepWizEngine.doOperation(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbCondIterator.iterate(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicPullSession.doOperation(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionWrapper.doOperation(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.runInstaller(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.main(
SEVERE: oracle.ops.mgmt.cluster.SharedDeviceException: PRKC-1044 : Failed to check remote command execution setup for node server02 using shells /usr/local/bin/ssh and /usr/bin/rsh
File "/usr/local/bin/ssh" does not exist on node "server02" <<<<<<注意这里,显示了报错的原因
server02: Connection refused
        at oracle.ops.mgmt.nativesystem.UnixSystem.testCFSFile(
        at oracle.ops.mgmt.nativesystem.UnixSystem.isSharedPath(
        at oracle.ops.mgmt.cluster.Cluster.isSharedPath(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.oiipg.OiipgCFSDriveCheck.isSharedPath(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiip.oiipg.OiipgCFSDriveCheck.isDriveOnCFS(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwNodeSelWCDE.initialize(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbCondIterator.iterate(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicDepWizEngine.doOperation(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifb.OiifbCondIterator.iterate(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicPullSession.doOperation(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionWrapper.doOperation(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.runInstaller(
        at oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstaller.main(
INFO: Setting variable 'REMOTE_NODES' to 'server01,'. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: isRollingUpgradeEnabled():false
INFO: Setting the 'ClusterInstallDescription' property to 'Select nodes (in addition to the local node) in the hardware cluster where the installer should install products that y
ou select in this installation.'.
INFO: Setting the 'SingleInstanceDescription' property to 'Select this option if you want to perform a single node non-cluster installation even though the local node is part of
a hardware cluster.'.
INFO: Setting the 'InvalidNodes' property to 'null'.
INFO: Setting the 'AllowRemoteNodeSelection' property to 'true'.
INFO: Setting the 'ShowCRSSoftwareVersion' property to 'false'.
INFO: Setting the 'NewHome' property to 'true'.
INFO: Setting the 'ClusterNodes ( CLUSTER_NODES )' property to 'server01,server02,'. Received the value from the UI page.
INFO: Setting the 'LocalNode ( LOCAL_NODE )' property to 'server01'. Received the value from the UI page.
INFO: Setting the 'RemoteNodes ( REMOTE_NODES )' property to 'server02,'. Received the value from the UI page.
INFO: Performing tests to see whether nodes server02 are available
INFO: Validating nodes server02...
INFO: Checking if nodes are alive...
INFO: Validating user equivalence...
SEVERE: OUI-35000: Fatal cluster error encountered (). Correct the problem and try the operation again. <<<<<< 最终,报错OUI-35000
INFO: User Selected: Yes/OK
WARNING: Do you really want to exit?
INFO: User Selected: Yes/OK



ln -s /bin/ssh /usr/local/bin/ssh

时间: 2025-01-30 01:51:30

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操作系统版本是Solaris 10,安装完11.2的grid之后,安装11g的RAC database没有问题.但是在安装10g RAC database的时候,进度条到50%,总是报OUI-35000 Fatal Cluster Error的错误. 此时Banner已经disable. 用ssh node1 date和ssh node2 date检查各个节点的互信,都没有问题.但是用下面的命令检查却报错互信有问题. ./ stage -pre crsinst -n no

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