




RAC Statistics  DB/Inst: xxxx/xxxx1  Snaps: 9593-9594
                                Begin   End
                                ----- -----
           Number of Instances:     2     2
Global Cache Load Profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                  Per Second       Per Transaction
                                      ---------------       ---------------
  Global Cache blocks received:                 14.52                  0.17
    Global Cache blocks served:                  9.26                  0.11
     GCS/GES messages received:                134.63                  1.60
         GCS/GES messages sent:                136.04                  1.61
            DBWR Fusion writes:                  0.21                  0.00
Estd Interconnect traffic (KB)                243.13

Global Cache Efficiency Percentages (Target local+remote 100%)
Buffer access -  local cache %:   99.97
Buffer access - remote cache %:    0.01
Buffer access -         disk %:    0.02

Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Workload Characteristics
                     Avg global enqueue get time (ms):      0.0

          Avg global cache cr block receive time (ms):      0.1
     Avg global cache current block receive time (ms):      0.3

            Avg global cache cr block build time (ms):      0.0
             Avg global cache cr block send time (ms):      0.0
      Global cache log flushes for cr blocks served %:      0.3
            Avg global cache cr block flush time (ms):      0.0

         Avg global cache current block pin time (ms):      0.0
        Avg global cache current block send time (ms):      0.0
Global cache log flushes for current blocks served %:      0.0
       Avg global cache current block flush time (ms):      0.0

Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Messaging Statistics
                     Avg message sent queue time (ms):      0.2
             Avg message sent queue time on ksxp (ms):      0.3
                 Avg message received queue time (ms):      0.1
                    Avg GCS message process time (ms):      0.0
                    Avg GES message process time (ms):      0.0

                            % of direct sent messages:    90.53
                          % of indirect sent messages:     9.29
                        % of flow controlled messages:     0.19
--以上是昨天10:00-11:00 的awr 报表 rac的小部分。注意看 Estd Interconnect traffic (KB) 243.13 ,很小的流量。

SYS@xxxx2> oradebug setmypid
Statement processed.
SYS@xxxx2> oradebug lkdebug -m pkey 94701
Statement processed.
SYS@xxxx2> oradebug lkdebug -m pkey 93703
Statement processed.
SYS@xxxx2> oradebug lkdebug -m pkey 97158
Statement processed.

SYS@xxxx2> select * from GV$GCSPFMASTER_INFO where DATA_OBJECT_ID in (94701,93703,97158);
---------- ---------- -------------- ----------- -------------- --------------- ------------
         1          0          93703 Affinity                 1               0           30
         1          0          94701 Affinity                 1               0           32
         1          0          97158 Affinity                 1               0            5
         2          0          93703 Affinity                 1               0           29
         2          0          94701 Affinity                 1               0           31
         2          0          97158 Affinity                 1               0            5
6 rows selected.

SELECT inst_id
        ,event_date, substr(event_date,12,5) hhmm,to_char(to_date(event_date,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),'d') week
    FROM gv$policy_history
   WHERE data_object_id =97158
ORDER BY data_object_id, event_date desc ,inst_id;

---------- -------------------- -------------- ---------------------- -------------------- ---------- -
         2 push_affinity                 97158                      1 12/03/2015 10:29:42  10:29      5
         1 push_affinity                 97158                      2 12/01/2015 07:46:09  07:46      3
         2 push_affinity                 97158                      1 11/25/2015 17:04:52  17:04      4

SYS@xxxx2> select * from GV$GCSPFMASTER_INFO where DATA_OBJECT_ID in (94701,93703,97158);
---------- ---------- -------------- ----------- -------------- --------------- ------------
         1          0          93703 Affinity                 1               0           30
         1          0          94701 Affinity                 1               0           32
         1          0          97158 Affinity                 0               1            6
         2          0          93703 Affinity                 1               0           29
         2          0          94701 Affinity                 1               0           31
         2          0          97158 Affinity                 0               1            6

SYS@xxxx2> oradebug lkdebug -m pkey 97158
Statement processed.

RAC Statistics  DB/Inst: xxxx/xxxx1  Snaps: 9617-9618

                                Begin   End
                                ----- -----
           Number of Instances:     2     2

Global Cache Load Profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                  Per Second       Per Transaction
                                      ---------------       ---------------
  Global Cache blocks received:                 31.64                  0.37
    Global Cache blocks served:                  0.78                  0.01
     GCS/GES messages received:                416.42                  4.85
         GCS/GES messages sent:              1,107.51                 12.90
            DBWR Fusion writes:                  0.14                  0.00
Estd Interconnect traffic (KB)                556.99

Global Cache Efficiency Percentages (Target local+remote 100%)
Buffer access -  local cache %:   99.97
Buffer access - remote cache %:    0.01
Buffer access -         disk %:    0.01

Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Workload Characteristics
                     Avg global enqueue get time (ms):      0.0

          Avg global cache cr block receive time (ms):      0.3
     Avg global cache current block receive time (ms):      0.1

            Avg global cache cr block build time (ms):      0.0
             Avg global cache cr block send time (ms):      0.0
      Global cache log flushes for cr blocks served %:      0.8
            Avg global cache cr block flush time (ms):      0.0

         Avg global cache current block pin time (ms):  13915.2
        Avg global cache current block send time (ms):      0.0
Global cache log flushes for current blocks served %:      1.5
       Avg global cache current block flush time (ms):   6311.1

Global Cache and Enqueue Services - Messaging Statistics
                     Avg message sent queue time (ms):      2.6
             Avg message sent queue time on ksxp (ms):      2.3
                 Avg message received queue time (ms):      0.1
                    Avg GCS message process time (ms):      0.0
                    Avg GES message process time (ms):      0.0

                            % of direct sent messages:    12.28
                          % of indirect sent messages:    87.68
                        % of flow controlled messages:     0.04

--注意Estd Interconnect traffic (KB)=556.99 ,比前面增加1倍。


GCS/GES messages received:          416.42                  4.85
GCS/GES messages sent:              1,107.51                12.90
Avg global cache current block pin time (ms):  13915.2
Avg global cache current block flush time (ms):   6311.1
% of indirect sent messages:    87.68

GCS/GES messages received:            134.63                  1.60
GCS/GES messages sent:                136.04                  1.61
Avg global cache current block pin time (ms):      0.0
Avg global cache current block flush time (ms):    0.0
% of indirect sent messages:     9.29


SYS@xxxx1> select * from GV$GCSPFMASTER_INFO where DATA_OBJECT_ID in (94701,93703,97158);
---------- ---------- -------------- ----------- -------------- --------------- ------------
         2          0          93703 Affinity                 0               1           30
         2          0          94701 Affinity                 0               1           32
         2          0          97158 Affinity                 0               1            8
         1          0          93703 Affinity                 0               1           31
         1          0          94701 Affinity                 0               1           33
         1          0          97158 Affinity                 0               1            8
6 rows selected.

--补充:Dynamic Remastering Stats部分内容:

Dynamic Remastering Stats                DB/Inst: xxxx/xxxx1  Snaps: 9593-9594
-> times are in seconds
-> Affinity objects - objects mastered due to affinity at begin/end snap

                                                 per    Begin      End
Name                             Total   Remaster Op     Snap     Snap
------------------------- ------------ ------------- -------- --------
remaster ops                         1          1.00                 
remastered objects                   1          1.00                 
replayed locks received         13,765     13,765.00                 
replayed locks sent                  0          0.00                 
resources cleaned                    0          0.00                 
remaster time (s)                  3.9          3.93                 
quiesce time (s)                   1.2          1.19                 
freeze time (s)                    0.2          0.22                 
cleanup time (s)                   0.6          0.59                 
replay time (s)                    0.1          0.12                 
fixwrite time (s)                  1.2          1.17                 
sync time (s)                      0.6          0.64                 
affinity objects                                 N/A      175      176

Dynamic Remastering Stats                DB/Inst: xxxx/xxxx1  Snaps: 9617-9618
-> times are in seconds
-> Affinity objects - objects mastered due to affinity at begin/end snap

                                                 per    Begin      End
Name                             Total   Remaster Op     Snap     Snap
------------------------- ------------ ------------- -------- --------
remaster ops                         5          1.00                 
remastered objects                   5          1.00                 
replayed locks received      1,112,712    222,542.40                 
replayed locks sent          3,383,681    676,736.20                 
resources cleaned                    0          0.00                 
remaster time (s)                 26.1          5.22                 
quiesce time (s)                   6.9          1.38                 
freeze time (s)                    1.0          0.21                 
cleanup time (s)                   4.3          0.87                 
replay time (s)                    4.2          0.84                 
fixwrite time (s)                  4.5          0.90                 
sync time (s)                      5.1          1.03                 
affinity objects                                 N/A      176      173


时间: 2024-08-19 01:30:50



[20171028]测试大量子光标对性能影响.txt --//做一个测试例子说明存在大量子光标对性能影响. 1.环境: SCOTT@test01p> @ ver1 PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER                                                                               CON_ID ------------------------------


[20171102]测试大量子光标对性能影响2.txt --//跟开发讲关于绑定变量的问题,总有人讲不是有一个参数cursor_sharing能快捷简单地解决问题,设置cursor_sharing=force, --//实际上合理的使用绑定变量才是王道. --//许多开发人员设置这个参数带来的各种bug,我第一次在8i下使用差点到处服务器cpu资源耗尽,好在我知道我当时的改动,修改回来一些正常. --//我当时还记得设置这个参数报ora-00600错误. --//我想起以前10g下遇到设置cur

盘点 Oracle 11g 中新特性带来的10大性能影响

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http://www.cnblogs.com/wy123/p/5604400.html SQL Server创建复合索引时,复合索引列顺序对查询的性能影响 说说复合索引 写索引的博客太多了,一直不想动手写,有一下两个原因: 一是觉得有炒剩饭的嫌疑,有兄弟曾说:索引吗,只要在查询条件上建索引就行了,真的可以这么暴力吗? 二来觉得,索引是个非常大的话题,很难概括出所有的情况,你不整出点新意来,倒是有抄袭照搬的嫌疑 既然写了,就写一点稍微不一样的东西出来, 好了,废话打住, /* 20160814备注

MSSQL · 实现分析 · Extend Event实现审计日志对SQL Server性能影响

背景 在上一篇月报分享中,我们介绍了SQL Server实现审计日志功能的四种方法,最终的结论是使用Extend Event(中文叫扩展事件)实现审计日志方法是最优选择,详情参见MSSQL · 实现分析 · SQL Server实现审计日志的方案探索.那么,使用Extend Event实现审计日志的方案会面对如下疑问: Extend Event是否满足可靠性要求 Extend Event是否满足吞吐量要求 Extend Event对SQL Server本身语句查询性能影响到底有多大 这篇文章就是

SQL Server创建复合索引时,复合索引列顺序对查询的性能影响

原文:SQL Server创建复合索引时,复合索引列顺序对查询的性能影响    说说复合索引 写索引的博客太多了,一直不想动手写,有一下两个原因: 一是觉得有炒剩饭的嫌疑,有兄弟曾说:索引吗,只要在查询条件上建索引就行了,真的可以这么暴力吗? 二来觉得,索引是个非常大的话题,很难概括出所有的情况,你不整出点新意来,倒是有抄袭照搬的嫌疑 既然写了,就写一点稍微不一样的东西出来, 好了,废话打住,开搞   搭建测试环境: 创建一张表,模拟实际业务中的一个表,往里面填入数据, 时间字段上,相对按照时间


在本文中,作者会解释让 C++OBOL 与其他语言进行交互所产生的性能影响,并给出一些提示来避免被动受制于不利影响. 几十年前,当我初次开始使用大型机 COBOL 时,我发现它不能与非 COBOL 语言交互.我与一位教授探讨将这作为一个论文题目,主要探讨让 COBOL 与非 COBOL 语言进行交互所产生的性能影响. 为了弄明白可能会有什么性能影响,我基于 "A http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/29818.html">Fortran