简易 Javascript 调试包 Debug包_javascript技巧

来看一个简易的 Javascript 调试包:jscript.debug.js,包含两个函数,第一个用来遍历对象的各个属性;第二个是一个通用的 Debug 函数(其实 说‘对象'比较‘精确些',呵呵),用来规定各种错误级别及其各种提示、错误信息的格式化显示,还是《Javascript 实战》上面的经典例子,先看源码:

复制代码 代码如下:

* jscript.debug package
* This package contains utility functions for helping debug JavaScript.
if (typeof jscript == 'undefined') {
jscript = function() { }
jscript.debug = function() { }

* This simple function is one of the handiest: pass it an object, and it
* will pop an alert() listing all the properties of the object and their
* values.(这个函数用来遍历对象的属性及其相应的值,并显示出来)
* @param inObj The object to display properties of.
jscript.debug.enumProps = function(inObj) {

var props = "";
var i;
for (i in inObj) {
props += i + " = " + inObj[i] + "\n";

} // End enumProps().

* This is a very simple logger that sends all log messages to a specified
* DIV.(这是一个简单的 debug 日志记录系统)
jscript.debug.DivLogger = function() {

* The following are faux constants that define the various levels a log
* instance can be set to output.(下面的常量用来定义错误级别)
this.LEVEL_TRACE = 1;
this.LEVEL_DEBUG = 2;
this.LEVEL_INFO = 3;
this.LEVEL_WARN = 4;
this.LEVEL_ERROR = 5;
this.LEVEL_FATAL = 6;

* These are the font colors for each logging level.(定义各种错误的显示颜色)
this.LEVEL_TRACE_COLOR = "a0a000";
this.LEVEL_DEBUG_COLOR = "64c864";
this.LEVEL_INFO_COLOR = "000000";
this.LEVEL_WARN_COLOR = "0000ff";
this.LEVEL_ERROR_COLOR = "ff8c00";
this.LEVEL_FATAL_COLOR = "ff0000";

* logLevel determines the minimum message level the instance will show.(需要显示的最小错误级别,默认为 3)
this.logLevel = 3;

* targetDIV is the DIV object to output to.
this.targetDiv = null;

* This function is used to set the minimum level a log instance will show.
* @param inLevel One of the level constants. Any message at this level
* or a higher level will be displayed, others will not.
this.setLevel = function(inLevel) {

this.logLevel = inLevel;

} // End setLevel().

* This function is used to set the target DIV that all messages are
* written to. Note that when you call this, the DIV's existing contents
* are cleared out.(设置信息显示的 DIV,调用此函数的时候,原有的信息将被清除)
* @param inTargetDiv The DIV object that all messages are written to.
this.setTargetDiv = function(inTargetDiv) {

this.targetDiv = inTargetDiv;
this.targetDiv.innerHTML = "";

} // End setTargetDiv().

* This function is called to determine if a particular message meets or
* exceeds the current level of the log instance and should therefore be
* logged.(此函数用来判定现有的错误级别是否应该被显示)
* @param inLevel The level of the message being checked.
this.shouldBeLogged = function(inLevel) {

if (inLevel >= this.logLevel) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

} // End shouldBeLogged().

* This function logs messages at TRACE level.
*(格式化显示 TRACE 的错误级别信息,往依此类推)
* @param inMessage The message to log.
this.trace = function(inMessage) {

if (this.shouldBeLogged(this.LEVEL_TRACE) && this.targetDiv) {
this.targetDiv.innerHTML +=
"<div style='color:#" + this.LEVEL_TRACE_COLOR + ";'>" +
"[TRACE] " + inMessage + "</div>";

} // End trace().

* This function logs messages at DEBUG level.
* @param inMessage The message to log.
this.debug = function(inMessage) {

if (this.shouldBeLogged(this.LEVEL_DEBUG) && this.targetDiv) {
this.targetDiv.innerHTML +=
"<div style='color:#" + this.LEVEL_DEBUG_COLOR + ";'>" +
"[DEBUG] " + inMessage + "</div>";

} // End debug().

* This function logs messages at INFO level.
* @param inMessage The message to log.
this.info = function(inMessage) {

if (this.shouldBeLogged(this.LEVEL_INFO) && this.targetDiv) {
this.targetDiv.innerHTML +=
"<div style='color:#" + this.LEVEL_INFO_COLOR + ";'>" +
"[INFO] " + inMessage + "</div>";

} // End info().

* This function logs messages at WARN level.
* @param inMessage The message to log.
this.warn = function(inMessage) {

if (this.shouldBeLogged(this.LEVEL_WARN) && this.targetDiv) {
this.targetDiv.innerHTML +=
"<div style='color:#" + this.LEVEL_WARN_COLOR + ";'>" +
"[WARN] " + inMessage + "</div>";

} // End warn().

* This function logs messages at ERROR level.
* @param inMessage The message to log.
this.error = function(inMessage) {

if (this.shouldBeLogged(this.LEVEL_ERROR) && this.targetDiv) {
this.targetDiv.innerHTML +=
"<div style='color:#" + this.LEVEL_ERROR_COLOR + ";'>" +
"[ERROR] " + inMessage + "</div>";

} // End error().

* This function logs messages at FATAL level.
* @param inMessage The message to log.
this.fatal = function(inMessage) {

if (this.shouldBeLogged(this.LEVEL_FATAL) && this.targetDiv) {
this.targetDiv.innerHTML +=
"<div style='color:#" + this.LEVEL_FATAL_COLOR + ";'>" +
"[FATAL] " + inMessage + "</div>";

} // End fatal().

} // End DivLogger().


复制代码 代码如下:

<div id="jscript_debug_div" style="font-family:arial; font-size:10pt; font-weight:bold; display:none; background-color:#ffffe0; padding:4px;">

<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="enumPropsLink"
enumProps()-Shows all the properties of this link(显示此链接标签对象的所有属性和值)

<div id="divLog" style="font-family:arial; font-size: 12pt; padding: 4px; background-color:#ffffff; border:1px solid #000000; width:50%; height:300px; overflow:scroll;">Log message will appear here</div>
var log = new jscript.debug.DivLogger();
<a href="javascript:void(0);"
onClick="log.trace('Were tracing along now');">
DivLogger.log.trace() - Try to add a TRACE message to the above DIV
(won't work because it's below the specified DEBUG level);
<a href="javascript:void(0);"
onClick="log.debug('Hmm, lets do some debugging');">
DivLogger.log.debug() - Try to add a DEBUG message to the above DIV
<a href="javascript:void(0);"
onClick="log.info('Just for your information');">
DivLogger.log.info() - Add a INFO message to the above DIV
<a href="javascript:void(0);"
onClick="log.warn('Warning! Danger Will Robinson!');">
DivLogger.log.warn() - Add a WARN message to the above DIV
<a href="javascript:void(0);"
onClick="log.error('Dave, there is an error in the AE-35 module');">
DivLogger.log.error() - Add a ERROR message to the above DIV
<a href="javascript:void(0);"
onClick="log.fatal('Game over man, game over!!');">
DivLogger.log.fatal() - Add a FATAL message to the above DIV


上面的测试代码里面的 <script> 段进行了 debug 的实例化,设置了显示信息的 DIV,而且设置了显示信息的最小级别为:LEVEL_DEBUG:
var log = new jscript.debug.DivLogger();

enumProps()-Shows all the properties of this link(显示此链接标签对象的所有属性和值)

Log message will appear here

DivLogger.log.trace() - Try to add a TRACE message to the above DIV
(won't work because it's below the specified DEBUG level);

DivLogger.log.debug() - Try to add a DEBUG message to the above DIV

DivLogger.log.info() - Add a INFO message to the above DIV

DivLogger.log.warn() - Add a WARN message to the above DIV

DivLogger.log.error() - Add a ERROR message to the above DIV

DivLogger.log.fatal() - Add a FATAL message to the above DIV

[Ctrl+A 全选 注:如需引入外部Js需刷新才能执行]

在点击“enumProps()-Shows all ……”(第一个 link )的时候浏览器弹出的框如下图所示(Opera),详细地列出了你所点击的 a 标签对象的所有属性及值:

时间: 2024-09-29 16:26:29

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