


"I see stuff like {0,-8:G2} passed in as a format string. What exactly does that do?" -- Very Confused String Formatter

The above format can be translated into this:

"{<argument index>[,<alignment>][:<formatString><zeros>]}"

argument index: This represent which argument goes into the string.

String.Format("first = {0};second = {1}", "apple", "orange");

String.Format("first = {1};second = {0}", "apple", "orange");


gives the following strings:


"first = apple;second = orange"

"first = orange;second = apple"








String.Format("{0,-10}", "apple");      //"apple     "

String.Format("{0,10}", "apple");       //"     apple"

format string (optional): This represent the format code.

Numeric format specifier is available here. (e.g. C, G...etc.)
Datetime format specifier is available here.

Enumeration format specifier is available here.

Custom Numeric format specifier is available here. (e.g. 0. #...etc.)


Custom formatting is kinda hard to understand. The best way I know how to explain something is via code:


int pos = 10;

int neg = -10;

int bigpos = 123456;

int bigneg = -123456;

int zero = 0;

string strInt = "120ab";


String.Format("{0:00000}", pos);      //"00010"

String.Format("{0:00000}", neg);      //"-00010"

String.Format("{0:00000}", bigpos);   //"123456"

String.Format("{0:00000}", bigneg);   //"-123456"

String.Format("{0:00000}", zero);     //"00000"

String.Format("{0:00000}", strInt);   //"120ab"

String.Format("{0:#####}", pos);      //"10"

String.Format("{0:#####}", neg);      //"-10"

String.Format("{0:#####}", bigpos);   //"123456"

String.Format("{0:#####}", bigneg);   //"-123456"

String.Format("{0:#####}", zero);     //""

String.Format("{0:#####}", strInt);   //"120ab"


While playing around with this, I made an interesting observation:


String.Format("{0:X00000}", pos);      //"A"

String.Format("{0:X00000}", neg);      //"FFFFFFF6"

String.Format("{0:X#####}", pos);      //"X10"

String.Format("{0:X#####}", neg);      //"-X10"


The "0" specifier works well with other numeric specifier, but the "#" doesn't. Umm... I think the "Custom Numeric Format String" probably deserve a whole post of it's own. Since this is only the "101" post, I'll move on to the next argument in the format string.



zeros (optional): It actually has a different meaning depending on which numeric specifier you use.


int neg = -10;

int pos = 10;


// C or c (Currency): It represent how many decimal place of zeros to show.

String.Format("{0:C4}", pos);      //"$10.0000"

String.Format("{0:C4}", neg);      //"($10.0000)"


// D or d (Decimal): It represent leading zeros

String.Format("{0:D4}", pos);      //"0010"

String.Format("{0:D4}", neg);      //"-0010"


// E or e (Exponential): It represent how many decimal places of zeros to show.

String.Format("{0:E4}", pos);      //"1.0000E+001"

String.Format("{0:E4}", neg);      //"-1.0000E+001"


// F or f (Fixed-point): It represent how many decimal places of zeros to show.

String.Format("{0:F4}", pos);      //"10.0000"

String.Format("{0:F4}", neg);      //"-10.0000"


// G or g (General): This does nothing

String.Format("{0:G4}", pos);      //"10"

String.Format("{0:G4}", neg);      //"-10"


// N or n (Number): It represent how many decimal places of zeros to show.

String.Format("{0:N4}", pos);      //"10.0000"

String.Format("{0:N4}", neg);      //"-10.0000"


// P or p (Percent): It represent how many decimal places of zeros to show.

String.Format("{0:P4}", pos);      //"1,000.0000%"

String.Format("{0:P4}", neg);      //"-1,000.0000%"


// R or r (Round-Trip): This is invalid, FormatException is thrown.

String.Format("{0:R4}", pos);      //FormatException thrown

String.Format("{0:R4}", neg);      //FormatException thrown


// X or x (Hex): It represent leading zeros

String.Format("{0:X4}", pos);      //"000A"

String.Format("{0:X4}", neg);      //"FFFFFFF6"


// nothing: This is invalid, no exception is thrown.

String.Format("{0:4}", pos));      //"4"

String.Format("{0:4}", neg));      //"-4"


In summary, there are four types of behaviour when using this <zeros> specifier:

Leading Zeros: D, X

Trailing Zeros: C, E, F, N, P

Nothing: G

Invalid: R, <empty>


Now, that we've gone through the valid specifiers, you can actually use this in more than just String.Format(). For example, when using this with Byte.ToString():


Byte b = 10;

b.ToString("D4");      //"0010"

b.ToString("X4");      //"000A"

Wow... this was way longer than I expected. The BCL team is having blog day today, I need to get back to posting something for the BCLWeblog.

<Editorial Comment>

One of the lesson I learnt from an earlier post is that, readers are not interested in a post that doesn't give you more information than what MSDN provides. Instead, readers are more interested in seeing stuff that are not available on MSDN. So when I was doing research to post about this topic, I found that MSDN actually talks about exactly what the {0,-8:G2} format does. It is just not easy to find nor centrally located.

For example, in the ToString MSDN Doc, the "Remarks" section covered some basic rules on what a "format string" is. In the String.Format MSDN Doc, the "Remarks" section actually have a pretty detail explaination of what the above format does. Furthermore, MSDN provides a format string overview as well as a the table that specifies all the values that are allowed.

This puts me in an interesting position when writing about this topic. MSDN actually have lots of info that cover it. But since I have also heard more than one person being confused about this topic, I decided to post a summary of the documents and more examples. Do you think this is useful? Should I just stick to posting exclusively on non-MSDN topics?

</Editorial Comment>






时间: 2024-09-20 00:25:44



现在用电脑的人都知道软盘,但你知道新买来的软盘是不能直接使用的吗?(这概念有点过时,因为现在有很多厂家生产的软盘都先帮你格式化过,不过这命令还是不能不学,因为太有用)新买的软盘你既不能用copy命令向软盘上复制文件,也不能用dir命令查看软盘上的内容,甚至从键盘上输入A:都会引起错误.这是为什么呢? 因为软盘在使用前需要先格式化,在软盘上作出许多位置标记,然后才能向上面填写数据和文字,这就好象在一张白纸上画格子,然后再在这些格子中写字一样.这个在软盘上打格子的过程,就叫格式化.给软盘格式化,要使

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