OpenXava 4.2.2该版本支持Jetspeed 2.2.1。一个新的Persistence">Unit控制器和SetPersistenceUnitAction类,以方便多数据库应用程序。 BaseAction不再实现IChangeControllersAction,但仍实现控制器相关方法的改变。加泰罗尼亚语日期格式已得到改进。许多错误修正。
New features:
- JetSpeed 2.2.1 supported.
- New PersistenceUnit controller and SetPersistenceUnitAction class to facilitate multi-database applications.
- BaseAction no longer implements IChangeControllersAction, but still implements the change controllers related methods.
- Date format improved for Catalan.
- Fix: Inheritance for views does not work with transient classes.
- Fix: Fixed URL for DTD of DWR files, it improves performance on Liferay deploying.
- Fix: List fails when the user customize the list and afterwards the programmer removes properties from the entities.
- Fix: "en" language entries are not included in portlet.xml because they are redundant with default entries.
- Fix: In a cascade remove collection when trying to create an element with a embedded with a reference to an entity fails.
- Fix: Changing module from dialog does not close the dialog.
- Fix: Multi persistence unit applications do not work.
- Fix: regenerateGenerator ant task fails.
- Fix: portletLocales of xava.propeties has no effect on portlet.xml generation.
- Fix: Closing a two level dialog in a module with web-view shows the root view in the dialog.
- Fix: After using setControllers(), removeActions() has no effect if executed in the same action.
- Fix: Creating a new collection element when all element components are inside groups fails.
- Fix: @OnChange actions are executed twice inside collection elements with groups.
- Fix: No focus placement inside collection elements in some cases.
- Fix: Using apostrophe in HtmlText editor cut the content from the apostrophe.