Smooks是一个开源的Java框架,用于处理“数据事件流”。它常常被认为是一个转换框架并以此被用于好几个产品和项目中,包括JBoss ESB(以及其它ESB)。然而究其核心,Smooks未提及“转换”或者其它相关的词汇。它的应用远不只这一点!
Smooks的工作是将结构化/层次化的数据流转变成“事件”流,然后交与“访问者逻辑(Visitor Logic)”进行分析,生成结果(可选的)。
[MILYN-219] - Dynamically discover EDI delimiters. [MILYN-508] - Generate D93A ECT and EJC arti">facts [MILYN-509] - Generate D01C ECT and EJC artifacts [MILYN-528] - Generate from D00A to D09B ECT and EJC artifacts
[MILYN-432] - When a PayloadProcessor is used with a NORESULT resultType and a HTMLReportGenerator is set then a NullPointerException is thrown [MILYN-434] - ECT UN/EDIFACT generated models seem to have the wrong component delimiter [MILYN-435] - ECT UN/EDIFACT generated models seem to have the wrong truncatable value for some segments and fields [MILYN-437] - ECT generated model xmlTag attribute values can contain invlaid XML element name characters [MILYN-441] - SegmentGroup fails when only first segment exists in message. [MILYN-443] - Namespaced attribute <jb:value> binding selectors not using the namespace part of the selector [MILYN-444] - Support for default values is broken [MILYN-445] - Failure on Classes in Packages with Underscores [MILYN-449] - ConfigSearch class matches() method not matching properly [MILYN-451] - Beans not returned in JavaResult if BeanContext is created before call to Smooks.filterSource [MILYN-463] - Con
current modification exception can happen when multiple threads are adding beans to the BeanContext [MILYN-475] - Invalid regex for matching normal segments in UnEdifactMessageReader (ECT) [MILYN-481] - ECT can generate models that include duplicate element names on a given type [MILYN-482] - Wrong behavior of EDIUtils.split [MILYN-483] - Create support for parsing D93A specification in ECT. [MILYN-488] - org.milyn.util.ClassUtil#getClasses causes performance degredation for the application [MILYN-499] - Issues with D97A UN/EDIFACT directory processing [MILYN-504] - UnEdifactMessage using Java 6 methods [MILYN-505] - not commited for UN/EDIFACT tests [MILYN-507] - IInterchangeTestUtil uses method not supported in java 1.5 [MILYN-510] - EJCUtils.encodeClassName and EJCUtils.encodeAttributeName not properly encoding Java Identifiers [MILYN-512] - ECT - Unable to generate mappingmodel for UnEdifact D01C. [MILYN-521] - JMSRouterTest intermittent test failure [MILYN-529] - Error generating UnEdifact D94A, D94B, D95A and D95B specification in ECT [MILYN-539] - Smooks
OSGi classloading issue [MILYN-547] - Building using a clean mvn repo fails