
一、DBV 说明

DBV是一个常用的工具,OracleMOS上有一篇文章介绍DBV:[ID 35512.1]。


DBV checks Oracledatafiles to ensure that:

(1)The datafile has a valid header

(2)Each datablock in the file has aspecial "wrapper" which identifies the block - this"wrapper" is checked for correctness

(3)DATA (TABLE) and INDEX blocks areinternally consistent

(4)From 8.1.6 onwards: That variousother block types are internally           consistent (such as rollback segmentblocks)

The tool can be used to give some degree of confidence that a datafile is free fromcorruption. It opens files in a read only mode and so cannot change thecontents of the file being checked.




DBVERIFY-验证正在开始: FILE =e:/oracle/oradata/Dave/test01.dbf

汇入的页1 -可能是介质损坏



select count(*) from tablename;

如果有坏块, 在扫描的时候就会报错。

二、DBV 的命令参数

C: />dbv help=y

DBVERIFY: Release - Productionon 星期二 12月 15 23:35:24 2009

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. Allrights reserved.

关键字 说明 (默认值)


FILE 要验证的文件 (无)

START 起始块 (文件的第一个块)

END 结束块 (文件的最后一个块)

BLOCKSIZE 逻辑块大小 (8192)

LOGFILE 输出日志 (无)

FEEDBACK 显示进度 (0)

PARFILE 参数文件 (无)

USERID 用户名/口令 (无)

SEGMENT_ID 段 ID (tsn.relfile.block) (无)

HIGH_SCN 要验证的最高块 SCN (无)

(scn_wrap.scn_base 或 scn)

(1)FILE(File to Verify):This is the name of the file to verify.    See"Limitations" below if your datafile name has no suffix.

(2)START(Start Block):This is the first datablock to check in   the file.This defaults to the first block in the file and need only be  specifiedif you want to check just a portion of a given file.

(3)END(End Block):This is the last datablock to check in the  file. Thisdefaults to the last block of  the filebut may need specifying for RAW  devices(See "Limitations" below)  BLOCKSIZE  Logical Block Size This is the database blocksize of the datafile you wish to scan. The value defaults to "2048". Thisparameter must be set to the  DB_BLOCK_SIZE of the datafile to be scanned.

(4)LOGFILE(Output Log):This is the name of file to outputthe results to. The default is "NONE" and output is sent to terminal.

(5)FEEDBACK( Display Progress):  If set to a value above 0 (the default)   then DBVoutputs a "." for every N pages of the datafile checked. This isuseful to see that DBV is working through the ile.

(6)PARFILE(Parameter file):Parameters can be specified in a parameterfile and PARFILE used to cause  the filecontents to be used as input parameters. The PARFILE can contain any of theabove options.

(7)HIGH_SCN(Scn):Highest Block SCN To Verify (scn_wrap.scn_base OR scn) Find theblocks exceeding the SCN. Available in version and above.

(8)USERID (Username/Password):If the file you are verifying isan Automatic Storage Management (ASM) file, you must supply a USERID. This isbecause DBVERIFY needs to connect to an Oracle instance to access ASM files.

(9)SEGMENT_ID (TS#.FILE#.BLOCK#):Specifies the segment that youwant to verify.  For more info, review Note:139962.1

三、DBV 限制

3.1 As DBV performs checks at a block levelit cannot detect problems such as INDEX versus TABLE mismatches which can bedetected by the 'ANALYZE TABLE  VALIDATE STRUCTURE CASCADE' command.

3.2  This utility can ONLY be used against DATAfiles.  It CANNOT be used to verify redolog files or control files.

3.3 You can use DBV to verify an AutomaticStorage Management (ASM) file.

However, the database must be opened and the option USERID has to beused

Example : dbv file=+DG1/ORCL/datafile/system01.dbf userid=system/sys

DBV checks the userid/password for ASM managed files, which is notpossible when database is not open.

3.4 On most releases on Unix DBV expects afilename extension.

This means that DBV cannot be used against datafiles with no filenamesuffix, or against RAW devices. --DBV 要求datafile 必须有扩展名

The workaround is to create a symbolic link to the raw device where thelink name MUST have an extension.

Eg: ln -s /dev/rdsk/mydevice /tmp/mydevice.dbf

Now use DBV against /tmp/mydevice.dbf

--如果裸设备没有扩展名,可以创建一个link,然后在进行dbv 检查。

3.5 For RAW devices you should use the ENDparameter to avoid running off the end of the Oracle file space.

时间: 2024-12-28 14:52:44


理解和使用Oracle 8i分析工具-LogMiner

Oracle LogMiner 是Oracle公司从产品8i以后提供的一个实际非常有用的分析工具,使用该工具可以轻松获得Oracle 重作日志文件(归档日志文件)中的具体内容,特别是,该工具可以分析出所有对于数据库操作的DML(insert.update.delete等)语句,另外还可分析得到一些必要的回滚SQL语句.该工具特别适用于调试.审计或者回退某个特定的事务. LogMiner分析工具实际上是由一组PL/SQL包和一些动态视图(Oracle8i内置包的一部分)组成,它作为Oracle数据


1.应用开发(Application Development) SQL*Plus E:\Oracle\Ora81\BIN\SQLPLUSW.EXE 2.数据库管理(Database Administration) Database Configuration Assistant 数据库配置助手:创建.配置.删除数据库 DBA Studio 将多个数据库工具并入一个应用程序中.DBA Studio 管理以下对象: 例 程:包括启动.关闭和例程化例程. 方 案:包括表.索引和 Oracle8对象.

Oracle 8i分析工具:LogMiner

Oracle LogMiner是Oracle公司从产品8i以后提供的一个实际非常有用的分析工具,使用该工具可以轻松获得Oracle重作日志文件(归档日志文件)中的具体内容,特别是,该工具可以分析出所有对于数据库操作的DML(insert.update.delete等)语句,另外还可分析得到一些必要的回滚SQL语句.该工具特别适用于调试.审计或者回退某个特定的事务. LogMiner分析工具实际上是由一组PL/SQL包和一些动态视图(Oracle8i内置包的一部分)组成,它作为Oracle数据库的


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