SAP HUM Activate Handling Unit Management For Warehouse

SAP HUM Activate
Handling Unit Management For Warehouse


How to activate Handling Unit Management
for storage location ?

HUM can only be activated on storage
location level.

Your storage location should be assigned to
a WH:

SPRO -> Enterprise structure ->
Assignment -> Logistics Execution -> Assign warehouse number to
plant/storage location

HU requirement has to be set for your storage
location (which is assigned to the WM):

Logistics General -> Handling Unit
Management -> Basics -> Materials Management -> Inventory Management
-> HU requirement for Storage Locations and Default Values for Deliveries

To indicates that a handling unit
requirement applies to this storage location.


Management of storage locations through
handling units is only possible if you have unique number assignment of the
handling unit identification numbers.

When you set the HU requirement indicator
for a storage location, you can only make stock postings if you specify the
handling unit.

If you do not specify the handling unit,
the system does not create a material document when you make the posting but
creates a delivery document.


2016-09-21 整理于武汉市经开区




时间: 2024-07-29 23:54:24

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