the differences of DataRelation class between 1.1 and 2.0

when u use the follow code on will compile without error. 

        /**//// <summary>
        /// Test table relation.
        /// </summary>
        public void Relation_1_1()
            DataTable dtParent = this.CreateDataTable();
            dtParent.TableName = "Parent";

            DataRelation relations = ds.Relations.Add("Relation", dtParent.Columns["index"], dtParent.Columns["parent_index"], false);

            this.builder.Append(" Get the data from tree ROOT.");
            this.GetLayerFromParent(ds, relations);

            this.builder.Append(" Get the data from tree CHILDS.");
            this.GetLayerFromChilds(ds, relations);



while it will run error on 2.0 with "Cannot create a DataRelation if Parent or Child Columns are not in a DataSet.".

if u want to run normally,u can use this cod:


/**//// <summary>
        /// Test table relation.
        /// </summary>
        public void Relation_2_0()
            DataTable dtParent = this.CreateDataTable();
            dtParent.TableName = "Parent";

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            DataRelation relations = ds.Relations.Add("Relation", ds.Tables["Parent"].Columns["index"], ds.Tables["Parent"].Columns["parent_index"], false);

            this.builder.Append(" Get the data from tree ROOT.");
            this.GetLayerFromParent(ds, relations);

            this.builder.Append(" Get the data from tree CHILDS.");
            this.GetLayerFromChilds(ds, relations);


what's your idea?

时间: 2024-09-20 15:26:03

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