我们公司当前使用邮件系统的版本为Domino 8.5.1 FP5,客户收发邮件通过配置Ms Outlook使用Pop3协议收发邮件;今天公司有个员工给我们IT部门发邮件提出一个问题;大概意思是这样的;如果收件人有重复,会收到多封邮件。比如lisi发一封邮件给zhangsan, 同时发给了abc这个邮件组(abc邮件组也包括了zhangsan). 那么zhangsan会收到2封邮件。domino是否能通过配置自动识别,最后结果zhangsan只收到一封邮件呢;当这个问题提出来我第一印象是我们公司目前确实存在这个问题,在网上找了很多资料同时也咨询了很多网友,最后还是皇天不负有心人,得到了结果,结果见下,在此将该KB分享给大家,供大家学习。所加参数Number=1就可以满足需求。
0 - Do not eliminate the recipient's FullName from Router group expansion results
1 - Eliminate the recipient's distinguished FullName from Router group expansion results
2 - Perform another recipient lookup by FullName for verification before eliminating recipient's distinguished FullName from Router group expansion results
Technote (troubleshooting)
Duplicate e-mails are received from the internet for a user if the mail is addressed to the user in the "To" field and a group's internet address is in the "cc" field, where the user is a member of the group.
Steps to reproduce
1) Create a user John Smith and a group called as Helpdesk.
2) Populate the internet address of John Smith as "Johnsmith@Acme.com" and for the Helpdesk group as "Helpdesk@Acme.com".
3) Send an e-mail from the internet.