









Algorithm for the programming assignment #2
Algorithm for the game of absorb material
Step1: Welcome the user and explain the purpose of how to use this program to play
Step1a: Display a heading (“absorbing material game”)
Step2: Get the name of players
---(step2a)Prompt the user

“Please input the name of the first player”

---Enter the name of first player (player[0])

---Read it in the data and store in a char variable

---Echo the name of the first player (display it)

“The first player’s name” amount the variable

---Ask the user if the name was correct (Y/N)

---If not, re-prompt and read until the user player is happy (repeat step 2a)

---(step 2b)Prompt the user again

“Please input the name of the second player”

---Enter the name of second player (player[1])

---Read it in the data and store in a char variable

---Echo the name of the second player (display it)

“The second player’s name”amount the variable

---Ask the user if the name was correct(Y/N)

---If not, re-prompt and read until the user player is happy (repeat step 2b)
Step3: Distribute the points
---(step 3a)Prompt the first user

“Please input the points of the game! (10 points)”

---Enter the number of the points ( int a)

---Read it in the data and store it in a int variable

---Echo the number of the points (display it)

“The number of the points at the before beginning the game”amount the variable

---Ask the user if the points meet with the requirement of the game(Y/N)

---If not, re-prompt and read until meet with the requirement (repeat step 3a)

---(step 3b)Prompt the second user

“Please input the points of the game! (10 points)”

---Enter the number of the points (int b)

---Read it in the data and store it in a int variable

---Echo the number of the points (display it)

“The number of the points at the before beginning the game”amount the variable

---Ask the user if the points meet with the requirement of the game(Y/N)

---If not, re-prompt and read until meet with the requirement (repeat step 3b)
Step4: Enter the question
---(step 4a)Prompt the first player

“Please input the question on the screen”

---Enter the question (char question[])

---Count the number of words of the question and store it in a int variable (int c)

---Read it in the data and store it in a char variable

---Echo the question (display it)

“The question is” among the variable

---Ask the first player if the question is correct(Y/N)

---If not, re-prompt and read until the user is happy (repeat step 4a)
Step5: Clear the question
---Prompt the second player

“Don’t see the problem when the first player enter the question”

---Display the question and disappear quickly( type the enter key)
Step6: Show the question for the second player
---Prompt the second player

“Are you ready to see the question and you have only three seconds to see (Y/N)”

---Enter the answer (char ch1)

---If the answer is Y (y)

---Read it in the data and store it in a char variable

---Echo the answer (display it)

“Your answer is”among the variable

---If yes, then do the next step

---Echo the time left (display it)

“Time-left:”among the positive number

Step7: Memory the question
---Prompt the second player

“You have five seconds to recall the question”

---Echo the time left (display it)

“Time-left:”among the positive number

Step8: Try to relax
---Prompt the second player

“Relax yourself before answering the question”

Step9: Is ready for the second player
---(step 9a)Prompt the second player

“Are you ready to answer the question? (Y/N)”

---Enter the answer (char ch2)

---Read it in the data and store it in a char variable

---Echo the answer (display it)
“Your answer is”among the variable

---Ask the second player if the answer is correct(Y/N)

---If not, re-prompt and read until the meet with the second player’s requirement

(repeat step 9a)

---If the second player answer is no

---Read it in the data and store it in a char variable

---(step 9b)Prompt the second player

“This time you have 30 seconds to see this question and remember it, but your

 Points will deducted” (points=points-1)

---Read the points in the data and store it in a integer variable

---Show the question on the screen

---Echo the time left (display it)

“Time-left:”among the positive number

---Prompt the second player

“You have ten seconds to recall the answer”

---Echo the time left (display it)

“Time-left:” among the positive number

---Prompt the second player

“Relax yourself before typing the question”

Step10: Begin to type the question
---Prompt the second player

“Begin to type the question”

---Enter the question (char question1[])

---Count the number of words of the question1 and store it in a int variable (int d)

---Read it in the data and store it in a char variable
Step11: Compare the number of words
---(step 11a)If the number of words in the same and the word(Y/N)

---If yes, then do the next step

---Echo a sentence (display it)

“You do a great job! And you can add one point to your points” (points=points+1)”

---Read it in the data and store it

---If no, then do the next step

---Echo a sentence (display it)

“Your point need to deducted by one point” (points=points-1)

---Read it in the data and store it
Step12: Switch turns
---Prompt the player

“The position of the player changes”

---Repeat the step from step 4 to step12 until one player has no point
Step13: Game over
---Prompt the player

“Who don’t have points?”

---If the first player don’t have points

---Echo a sentence (display it)

“The second player win the game”

---If the second player don’t have points

---Echo a sentence (display it)

“The first player win the game”

Step14: Re-play the game
---Prompt the player

“Do you want to play again? (Y/N)”

---If yes, then repeat the step from step2 to step13

---If no, then exit the game
Step15: Thank you for using this program to play











看样子已经处理了 ? 我也就是来看看到底什么问题,好像很麻烦的样子



时间: 2024-11-03 03:42:33



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问题描述 大神帮看下我的代码哪里错了? 题目是编写程序,读入未指定个数的整数,判断读入的正数和负数分别有多少个,然后计算这些输入值的总和及其平均值(不对0计数).当输入为0时,表明程序结束.将平均值以浮点数显示. import java.util.Scanner; public class TextXXXXX { public static void main (String[] args){ Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int count1