
Stability Type Log Requirement Catch Way
1.Crash Full crash dump
2.SystemReboot系统启动 Logcat, kmesg, tomestone 如下:
1.Logcat logs(main, events, radio)
2.Dmesg/kernel logs
3.bugreport and “dumpstate" log
adb shell bugreport > bugreport.txt
adb shell dumpstate > dumpstate.log
(this command will produce trace log about all process then u need adb pull /data/anr to collect the trace log) adb pull /d/binder/ .
4.Trace file /data/anr
5.adb pull /data/tombstones
(All log file time must be consistent with issue occurred time, it needs to clear /data/anr & /data/tombstones after stability issue occur) 
Stability Type Log Requirement Catch Way
3.System Freeze/ Touch panel freeze系统卡死/屏幕卡死 Logcat, kmesg 如下:
1.Logcat logs
2.Kernel logs: “ adb shell getevent” 实时事件log
open echo w > /proc/sysrq-trigger when capture dmesg and bugreport log as follows:
adb root
adb remount
adb shell
echo w > /proc/sysrq-trigger
& then exit adb shell, then collect bugreport
adb shell bugreport > bugreport.txt
adb shell kmesg > kmesg.txt 没有kmesg
3.Key events log
adb shell getevent -rtl /dev/input/event0 按键事件
4.bugreport and “dumpstate " log:
adb shell bugreport > bugreport.txt
adb shell dumpstate > dumpstate.log
adb pull /d/binder/ .
5.Dumpsys window log:
adb shell dumpsys window > dump_window.txt
6.Meminfo log:
adb shell cat proc/meminfo > meminfo.txt
7.Procrank log:
adb shell procrank > procrank.txt
8.Top log:
adb shell top > top.txt
9. Add below information:
•Adb workable or not, ANR or not
•CTP workable or not ->
 touch screen and observe
the output of "adb shell getevent".
•Display driver workable or not ->
Use the screencast to see
if the screen can be displayed
•Power key/volume key work or not?
Menu/back/home key work or not?
10. It's better to trigger a ram dump
Before test:
adb root
adb shell "echo 0x843 > /d/spmi/spmi-0/address"
adb shell "echo 0x80 > /d/spmi/spmi-0/data"
Then long press power key more than 10~30s
could trigger a dump.
If device is rebooted, it needs to set again. 
Stability Type Log Requirement Catch Way
4.Black screen 黑屏 Logcat, kmesg 如下:
Main, events, radio, bugreport, sumpstate, Procrank,
meminfo, top log
1.Logcat logs(main, events, system, radio)
2.Kernel logs
3.bugreport and “dumpstate " log
adb shell bugreport > bugreport.txt
adb shell dumpstate > dumpstate.log
then capture traces log :
adb pull /data/anr , after about I min ,
 clear /data/anr and capture traces log once again
adb pull /d/binder/ .
5.Meminfo log:
adb shell cat proc/meminfo >meminfo.txt
6.Procrank log:
adb shell procrank >procrank.txt
7.Top log:
adb shell top >top.txt
4.Add below information:
•Adb workable or not, ANR or not
•CTP workable or not
 -> touch screen and observe the output of
 "adb shell getevent".
•Display driver workable or not
 -> Use the screencast to see
 if the screen can be displayed
•Power key/volume key work or not?
Menu/back/home key work or not?
5.It's better to trigger a ram dump
Before test:
adb root
adb shell "echo 0x843 > /d/spmi/spmi-0/address"
adb shell "echo 0x80 > /d/spmi/spmi-0/data"
Then long press power key more than 10~30s
could trigger a dump.
If device is rebooted, it needs to set again. 
Stability Type Log Requirement Catch Way
5.APPs freeze/crash Logcat, kmesg,tomestone 如下:
1.Logcat logs(main, events, radio)
2.Dmesg/kernel logs
3.Trace file /data/anr
4.adb pull /data/tombstones
All log file time must be consistent
with issue occurred time, it needs to clear /data/anr &



时间: 2024-08-04 07:25:20



在程序开发过程中,LOG是广泛使用的用来记录程序执行过程的机制,它既可以用于程序调试,也可以用于产品运营中的事件记录.在Android系统中,提供了简单.便利的LOG机制,开发人员可以方便地使用.在这一篇文章中,我们简单介绍在Android内核空间和用户空间中LOG的使用和查看方法.         一. 内核开发时LOG的使用.Android内核是基于Linux Kerne 2.36的,因此,Linux Kernel的LOG机制同样适合于Android内核,它就是有名的printk,与C语言的


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Android操作系统本身就是一个巨大的开源软件仓库,熟悉它既可以了解到Android系统的设计框架,也可以获得高效的应用程序编写方式.本文所分析的源码来自于Google官方的AOSP源码4.0.1_r1,手机的Android版本是CM 4.2.2.对于Android系统分析而言,手机的操作系统版本和源码版本有些不一致的地方不会有太大的影响,但是如果需要将源码中的修改安装到手机里面的话,最不容易遇到问题的办法就是保持手机中系统的版本和源码的版本完全一致了. 1.程序入口发现 每一个应用程序都应当


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