
Connect/Read Remote SQL server Using PWS in win 98

     I had to test Microsoft's Personal Webserver (PWS) in win 98 to access Remote SQL server 7.0
installed in a NT server. The clients to win 98 had LAN connections. Easy one , don't vote, have fun with
PWS. In fact I tested my connection with this script, before I created an out of process server demo with


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    ' Name: Connect/Read Remote SQL server U
    '     sing PWS in win 98
    ' Description:I had to test Microsoft's
    '     Personal Webserver (PWS) in win 98 to ac
    '     cess Remote SQL server 7.0 installed in
    '     a NT server. The clients to win 98 had L
    '     AN connections. Easy one , don't vote, h
    '     ave fun with PWS. In fact I tested my co
    '     nnection with this script, before I crea
    '     ted an out of process server demo with V
    '     B.
    ' By: Manas Mukherjee
    ' Assumes:Knowing Little bit of LAN woul
    '     d help , VPN, HTML, Creating Virtual dir
    '     ectory with PWS
    'This code is copyrighted and has    ' limited warranties.Please see http://w
    '     Id.6518/lngWId.4/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.
    '     htm    'for details.    '**************************************
    <TITLE> ASP_PUBS/SQL Server In NT server</TITLE>
    Dim objConn, objRS, strQ, strOut, I
    Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial
Catalog=pubs;Data Source=\URServerName"
    Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    strQ = "SELECT emp_id, fname, lname,job_id "
    strQ = strQ & "FROM Employee "
    objRS.Open strQ, objConn, , , adCmdText
    Connected To the Database Pubs
    using connect String "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial
Catalog=pubs;Data Source=\URServername"
    <TH> "EmployeeID" </TH>
    <TH> "FirstName" </TH>
    <TH> "LastName" </TH>
    <TH> "job_id" </TH>
    <% Do While Not objRS.EOF %> <TR>
    <TD> <% = objRS("emp_id") %>
    <TD> <% = objRS("fname") %>
    <TD> <% = objRS("lname") %></TR>
    <TD> <% = objRS("job_id") %></TR>
    <% objRS.MoveNext %>
    <% Loop %>
    <% objRS.Close %>
    <% Set objRS = Nothing %>
    <% Set objConn = Nothing %>

时间: 2024-11-03 16:39:59



问题描述 linux环境下c++读取access数据库方法 RT,还可以保证跨平台,在win环境中也可以编译运行的方法,先谢谢各位了 解决方案 好偏门,好冷门啊~我也想知道该怎么弄


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对象-VS2010 调试环境下与生成后 的错误提示,高手给看看

问题描述 VS2010 调试环境下与生成后 的错误提示,高手给看看 VS2010 调试环境下连接SQL,提取数据都正常,,方案生成以后,为什么所有连接SQL的地方都是未将对象引用设置到实例,郁闷那,是不是少什么动态库了 解决方案 sql连接地址如果有改变的话,检查连接字符串. 解决方案二: 方案生成是什么意思?换电脑了?还是换运行目录了? 如果调试环境下链接SQL正常,问题就不大. 解决方案三: 没有换电脑,生成后直接运行的exe,和VS项目不在同一个目录.数据库连接字符串一样.意思就是离开VS


1.环境: centos6.5_x64; php5.6.11; Tengine-2.1.0; FreeTDS-0.95.19; 远程SQLServer:2008; 官网下载:好像下载不了,技安在下载的时候始终只能下载到10%,然后就停住了,就停住了,就停住了-). 这是技安费好大力气才下载的,分享出来下载: 0.95.19: freetds-patched.tar.gz


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在Linux(UNIX)下连接MS SQLserver的方法

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问题描述 动态上网环境下,经过了二层交换机,PC连接路由器无法分配IP. openwrt系统,动态上网环境下,上层网络会自动分配IP下来.路由器wan口直连外网,重启路由器后,pc连接此路由器的WiFi可以分配到IP.但是,如果路由器中间加了一层交换机就不行了.即,路由器wan口连接交换机,交换机另一个口连接外网,在网线都连接的情况下,重启路由器.重启完成后pc连接此路由器的WiFi却始终无法分配到ip地址,pc也无法上网,路由器能上网.交换机是二层交换机,无任何配置界面,通电即可使用.请问有没