ios PNG Crush error (PNG图片错误)


I had the same problem. How to fix : Open up image with Preview -> File > Export > Format change to PNG and you are done


12 Answers


up vote41down voteaccepted

Did you check whether the file Users/kavapanga/Desktop/iPAD/ALN II 3 latest 2/trunk/Resourses/images/CS_logo_for_top_bar.png exists? Also check if it is infact a PNG file. Right click on the file and do a Get Info to check if the file has any other extension and is marked as hide extension. If you are not sure of the format of the file, opening the file and save it as a PNG file again should work ,most of the time.


edited Oct 25 '12 at 11:12


answered Mar 22 '11 at 6:42



Hi Krishna, Yes, i see the file is available with the .png format. – Getsy Mar 22 '11 at 6:50
Could you please try saving it as a PNG once again? – Krishna Mar 22 '11 at 6:52
Hi Krishna, As you said, i saved again as .PNG format. It is not giving build error now. But, when i try to install on my iPad 2 through Xcode 4(all the settings are done), it shows "Finished Running MyApp-iPad" , but i'm not seeing the app installed on my iPad. What could be reason? – Getsy Mar 22 '11 at 6:54
Would you mind accepting this answer? – Krishna Mar 22 '11 at 7:30
I think it just got upvoted but not accepted. Not sure why. Did you click on the tick mark against the answer? – Krishna Mar 22 '11 at 7:38

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up vote33down vote

I had the same problem, but it wasn't because of a corrupted png : it was because two PNG files had the same filename in different directories of my source tree. What was peculiar was that the errors (I had 4 files which had "twins") were not identical from one build to another. On one run I had errors on all files, on the other only on some of them.


answered May 26 '12 at 13:47

Guillaume Laurent


This happened to me. I opened a project I hadn't been using for a couple of days, and after two or three builds, this. Weird... – NicolasMiari Jun 18 '12 at 19:49
Possibly both versions were added to your copy-files build phase; at least that was the problem for me. – Pascal Apr 13 at 20:26

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up vote22down vote

I had the same problem. How to fix : Open up image with Preview -> File > Export > Format change to PNG and you are done !!


answered Apr 12 '12 at 17:49



thak you :),great help in the hour of need – Yadnesh Jul 6 '12 at 14:19
this ans have done my work....+1 – hckr Nov 30 '12 at 11:23
wow, by far the easiest solution – Frank Fu Mar 10 at 10:02
One of the Best Answer! Banging my head whole day! – Developer Mar 28 at 20:49
This was a great find. Artist had saved as psd but with png extension – Codezy Jul 24 at 16:08

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up vote8down vote

I got this error when I moved images around in the project's folder, to an "Images" folder.

Turns out my "Copy Resources" build phase contained the steps both to copy the files from their new, correct folder - and from the previous folder where they were stored. Removing the outdated build steps fixed the errors.


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