SAP MM PR Release On Document Level

MM PR Release On Document Level

SAP Standard system allows only 8
levels of release codes.If client requirement is more than 8 then for
excess release codes customisation is done by the technical team (Abapers).Lets
take an example of 15 release levels required for a client according to his
Business needs then in this case initial 7 codes are customised and remaining 8
release codes are configured in the system.

Release procedure is of two types

  • Release Procedure without

This procedure is applicable only for
Purchase Requisitions.

Here PR is released Item by Item

  • Release Procedure with classification

This procedure is applicable to PR, RFQ, Service Entry sheet, RFQ, PO, Contract and scheduling agreements.

Item by Item and Header level
releases can be configured

For PR - both item by item and Header
level release can be configured

For external purchasing documents -
Release is possible only at Header level.








时间: 2024-08-30 05:54:57

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