第 16 章 设备管理

16.1. Debian/Ubuntu

16.1.1. update-rc.d - install and remove System-V style init script links

for example:

Insert links using the defaults:
   update-rc.d foobar defaults
Equivalent command using explicit argument sets:
   update-rc.d foobar start 20 2 3 4 5 . stop 20 0 1 6 .
More typical command using explicit argument sets:
   update-rc.d foobar start 30 2 3 4 5 . stop 70 0 1 6 .
Insert links at default runlevels when B requires A
   update-rc.d script_for_A defaults 80 20
   update-rc.d script_for_B defaults 90 10
Insert a link to a service that (presumably) will not be needed by any other daemon
   update-rc.d top_level_app defaults 98 02
Insert links for a script that requires services that start/stop at sequence number 20
   update-rc.d script_depends_on_svc20 defaults 21 19
Remove all links for a script (assuming foobar has been deleted already):
   update-rc.d foobar remove
Example of disabling a service:
   update-rc.d -f foobar remove
   update-rc.d foobar stop 20 2 3 4 5 .
Example of a command for installing a system initialization-and-shutdown script:
   update-rc.d foobar start 45 S . stop 31 0 6 .
Example of a command for disabling a system initialization-and-shutdown script:
   update-rc.d -f foobar remove
   update-rc.d foobar stop 45 S .

set default

update-rc.d nginx defaults


update-rc.d -f lighttpd remove
$ sudo update-rc.d -f avahi-daemon remove

16.1.2. invoke-rc.d - executes System-V style init script actions

$ sudo invoke-rc.d mysql restart

16.1.3. runlevel

$ runlevel
N 2

# runlevel
N 3
$ sudo vim /etc/init.d/rcS
#! /bin/sh
# rcS
# Call all S??* scripts in /etc/rcS.d/ in numerical/alphabetical order

exec /etc/init.d/rc S

the default is S (/etc/rcS.d/)

the redhat linux in the /etc/inittab

switch runlevel

/etc/init.d/rc 3

16.1.4. sysv-rc-conf


$ sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf

进入sysv-rc-conf TUI用户界面,你可以使用键盘方向键切换,使用空格键选择“X”表示选中,这个软件也支持鼠标操作。

$ sudo sysv-rc-conf
sysv-rc-conf gmond on
sysv-rc-conf --list gmond

16.1.5. xinetd - replacement for inetd with many enhancements

$ sudo apt-get install xinetd tftpd

apt-get install xinetd
apt-get install tftpd tftp


service tftp
	protocol =udp
	server_args =-s /home/neo/tftpboot -c
	cps=100 2

16.1.6. Scheduled Tasks crontab - maintain crontab files for individual users

To see what crontabs are currently running on your system, you can open a terminal and run:

$  crontab -l
# m h  dom mon dow   command
#* */30 * * * /home/neo/dyndns

if you want to see root user, please add 'sudo' in the prefix.

To edit the list of cron jobs you can run:

$ crontab -e

As you can see there are 5 stars. The stars represent different date parts in the following order:

  1. minute (from 0 to 59)
  2. hour (from 0 to 23)
  3. day of month (from 1 to 31)
  4. month (from 1 to 12)
  5. day of week (from 0 to 6) (0=Sunday)

By default cron jobs sends a email to the user account executing the cronjob. If this is not needed put the following command At the end of the cron job line .

>/dev/null 2>&1 at, batch, atq, atrm - queue, examine or delete jobs for later execution

16.1.7. sv - control and manage services monitored by runsv

services directory /etc/service/

$ sudo sv start git-daemon
ok: run: git-daemon: (pid 10323) 1s

$ sudo sv restart git-daemon
ok: run: git-daemon: (pid 10327) 1s

$ sudo sv stop git-daemon
ok: down: git-daemon: 1s, normally up runsv

$ sudo runsv git-daemon runsvdir


$sudo runsvdir /etc/service &

原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札

时间: 2024-09-20 12:22:15

第 16 章 设备管理的相关文章


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16.3 下标脚本选项 在Swift语言中,下标脚本允许任意数量的入参索引,并且每个入参类型也没有限制.下标脚本的返回值也可以是任何类型,下标脚本可以使用变量参数和可变参数.但是如果使用写入读出(in-out)参数或给参数设置默认值,这些操作都是不允许的. 在Swift语言中,可以在一个类或结构体中根据自身需要提供多个下标脚本实现.在定义下标脚本时通过入参个类型进行区分,使用下标脚本时会自动匹配合适的下标脚本实现运行,这就是下标脚本的重载. 在Swift程序中,一个下标脚本入参是最常见的情况,但


16.2 下标脚本用法 在Swift语言中,根据使用场景的不同,下标脚本也具有不同的含义.通常下标脚本是用来访问集合(collection).列表(list)或序列(sequence)中元素的快捷方式.开发者可以在自己特定的类或结构体中,灵活地实现下标脚本来提供合适的功能. 例如,Swift 的字典(Dictionary)实现了通过下标脚本来对其实例中存放的值进行存取操作.在下标脚本中使用和字典索引相同类型的值,并且把一个字典值类型的值赋值给这个下标脚本来为字典设值.参见如下所示的演示代码. v

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第 16 章 nginx

pkg_add -r nginx location / { root /usr/local/www/nginx; index index.html index.htm; } location ~ \.php$ { root html; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/local/www/nginx$fastcgi_script_name; includ