解决db file sequential read与db file scattered read



SELECT segment_name, partition_name, p1, p2
FROM dba_extents, wait1
WHERE wait1.p2 BETWEEN block_id AND (block_id + blocks - 1)
AND file_id = wait1.p1
ORDER BY segment_name


SELECT hash_value, address, piece, sql_text
FROM v$sqltext
WHERE hash_value IN (SELECT DISTINCT sql_hash_value
FROM wait1)
ORDER BY hash_value, piece;

SELECT hash_value, address, piece, sql_text
FROM v$sqltext
WHERE hash_value = :1
ORDER BY hash_value, piece;

注意这个有可能一些已经不在shared pool。


SELECT DISTINCT a.object_name, a.subobject_name
FROM dba_objects a, SYS.x_$bh b
WHERE (a.object_id = b.obj OR a.data_object_id = b.obj)
AND b.file# = :p1
AND b.dbablk = :p2 ;

时间: 2024-07-30 18:36:38

解决db file sequential read与db file scattered read的相关文章

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db file sequential read (本文由thomaswoo_dba翻译,转载请注明出处) db file sequential read 事件有三个参数:file#,first block#, block count, 在oracle 10g里,此等待事件在归于 User I/O wait class 下面的. 处理db file sequential read 事件要牢牢把握下面三个主要思想:1)oracle 进程需要访问的block不能从SGA 中获取,因此oracle 进程

常识之外:全表扫描为何产生大量 db file sequential read 单块读?

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db file sequential read等待事件

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