FreeBSD是一份UNIX操作系统,它面向i386、IA-64、PC-98、">Alpha/AXP及UltraSPARC平台。它基于加州伯克利大学 的4.4 BSD-Lite发布,并带有一些4.4 BSD-Lite2增强。它还非直接地基于William Jolitz的port,这源于加州伯克利大学i386化的“Net/2”也即“386BSD”,尽管386BSD中只有非常少的代码遗留下来。 FreeBSD被遍布全世界的公司、Internet服务提供商、研究人员、计算机专家、学生,以及家庭用户用于他们的工作、教学和娱乐之中。
The first 920.html">Release Candidate for the FreeBSD 7.4/8.2 release cycle
is now available. For 7.4-RC1 the amd64, i386, pc98, and sparc64
architectures are available, for 8.2-RC1 those architectures plus
ia64 and powerpc are available. Files suitable for creating
installation media or doing FTP based installs through the network
are available on the FreeBSD mirror sites. Checksums for the images
are at the bottom of this message.
For this Release Candidate no packages (except for the doc package
set for 8.2-RC1) have been provided in any of the images. Packages
will be provided with the RC2 builds.
The target schedule for the releases is available here:
and the wiki pages tracking the current status of the releases
If you find problems you can report them through the normal
Gnats based PR system or here on the mailing list.
If you are updating an already running machine the CVS branch
tag for 8.2-RC1 is RELENG_8_2, for 7.4-RC1 it is RELENG_7_4.
If you prefer SVN use "releng/8.2" or "releng/7.4".
The freebsd-update(8) utility supports binary upgrades of i386 and amd64
systems running earlier FreeBSD releases. Systems running 8.0-RELEASE,
8.1-RELEASE, or 8.2-BETA1 can upgrade as follows:
# freebsd-update upgrade -r 8.2-RC1
During this process, FreeBSD Update may ask the user to help by merging
some configuration files or by confirming that the automatically
performed merging was done correctly.
# freebsd-update install
The system must be rebooted with the newly installed kernel before
# shutdown -r now
After rebooting, freebsd-update needs to be run again to install the new
userland components, and the system needs to be rebooted again:
# freebsd-update install
# shutdown -r now
Users of earlier FreeBSD releases (FreeBSD 7.x) can also use
freebsd-update to upgrade to FreeBSD 8.2-RC1, but will be prompted to
rebuild all third-party applications (e.g., anything installed from the
ports tree) after the second invocation of "freebsd-update install", in
order to handle differences in the system libraries between FreeBSD 7.x
and FreeBSD 8.x. Substitute "7.4-RC1" for "8.2-BETA1" in the above
instructions if you are targeting 7.4-RC1 instead.
FreeBSD-8.2-RC1-i386-dvd1.iso (861MB, SHA256)
FreeBSD-8.2-RC1-amd64-dvd1.iso (973MB, SHA256)
FreeBSD-7.4-RC1-i386-dvd1.iso (967MB, SHA256)
FreeBSD-7.4-RC1-amd64-dvd1.iso (1,063MB, SHA256).