Coursera Scala 4-6:模型匹配

Coursera Scala 4-6:模型匹配


val times = 1

times match {
  case 1 => "one"
  case 2 => "two"
  case _ => "some other number"
 List(('a',1), ('b',2), ('a',1)) match {
        case Nil => println("null")
        case (C, n) :: ps => (C, n+1) :: ps   得到List(('a',2), ('b',2), ('a',1))
        case p :: ps => p            得到('a',1)
        case p :: ps => ps            得到List(('b',2), ('a',1))



def bigger(o: Any): Any = {
  o match {
    case i: Int if i < 0 => i - 1
    case i: Int => i + 1
    case d: Double if d < 0.0 => d - 0.1
    case d: Double => d + 0.1
    case text: String => text + "s"


def calcType(calc: Calculator) = calc match {
  case _ if calc.brand == "hp" && calc.model == "20B" => "financial"
  case _ if calc.brand == "hp" && calc.model == "48G" => "scientific"
  case _ if calc.brand == "hp" && calc.model == "30B" => "business"
  case _ => "unknown"

样本类Case Class


scala> case class Calculator(brand: String, model: String)
defined class Calculator

scala> val hp20b = Calculator("hp", "20b")
hp20b: Calculator = Calculator(hp,20b)


e match{
   case pattern => expr

在没有匹配项时抛出 MatchError


  • 小写字母开头表示变量(保留字除外) 用于绑定值到这个变量
  • 大写开头表示常量 两者是否相等来进行匹配(==)

构造器pattern C(p1,....,pn) 匹配所有C类型(或子类型)通过p1...p构造的
(注意类的定义要用case class)


 trait Expr
 case class Number(n:Int) extends Expr
 case class Sum(e1:Expr,e2:Expr) extends Expr
 object exprs {
     def show(e:Expr): String = e match {
         case Number(x) => x.toString
         case Sum(l.r) => show(l)+"+"+show(r)
 show(Sum(Number(1),Number(44)))               > res0:String=1+44


  trait Expr {
  def isNumber: Boolean
  def isSum: Boolean
  def numValue: Int
  def leftOp: Expr
  def rightOp: Expr
  def show():String = this match{
      case Number(n) => n+""
      case Sum(e1,e2) => e1+"+"+e2


def show(e: Expr): String = e match {
   case Sum(Prod(x1, x2), Prod(x3, x4)) =>
     if (x1 == x3) show(x1) + "*" + "(" + show(x2) + "+" + show(x4) + ")"
     else if (x1 == x4) show(x1) + "*" + "(" + show(x2) + "+" + show(x3) + ")"
     else if (x2 == x3) show(x2) + "*" + "(" + show(x1) + "+" + show(x4) + ")"
     else if (x2 == x4) show(x2) + "*" + "(" + show(x1) + "+" + show(x3) + ")"
     else show(_Prod(x1, x2)) + "+" + show(_Prod(x3, x4))
   case Sum(n1, n2) => show(n1) + "+" + show(n2)
   case Prod(Sum(n1, n2), n3) => "(" + show(_Sum(n1, n2)) + ")" + "*" + show(n3)
   case Prod(n3, Sum(n1, n2)) => show(n3) + "*(" + show(_Sum(n1, n2)) + ")"
   case Prod(n1, n2) => show(n1) + "*" + show(n2)
   case _ => e.toString()


时间: 2024-12-02 10:42:20

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