DBSight是一个J2EE的">搜索平台,可扩展的即时全文搜索任何关系型数据库,对初学者和专家。它具有内置的数据库抓取以下用户定义的SQL ,增量索引,配置的结果排名,突出显示的搜索结果(如谷歌) ,计数和分类结果(如亚马逊) 。脚手架支持标签云, AJAX搜索建议,以及拼写检查。它可以轻松地实现与其他语言的使用XML /简称JSON / HTML格式。有一个用户界面的所有业务,因此没有Java的编码是必要的。删除或更新记录的数据库可以同步。内容以外的数据库还可以进行搜查。
新版本增加了全局的命名数据源定义,用于简化产品环境的发布;兼容 JDBC 4.1;修复了 JSONP content-type 的问题;调整 classpath 以便可与 tomcat 运行。
Besides Google-like full-text search, you can have:
·Configurable Ranking by combination of relevance and fields like product price, score, comments count, etc
·Advanced Facet Search provides results counted for each category, and sub-category
·Tag cloud for current search results
·Order results by the field you choose
·Summarized and highlighted results
·Spelling check for existing content
·Pagination of the results
·Recent searches history
·Multi-Server mode for Server Clustering
·RSS feed for latest match
And you can have several database searches available in one central server. They can be different applications, or different databases like Oracle, DB2, MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres, or any JDBC supported databases. SQL-based content retrieval is flexible, versatile, and customizable.
Beside database, you can customize the crawler to search files in your own way, be it files on disk, or XML file via HTTP, or any other data sources.
WAR file Version 4.1.10 (Jan 15th, 2011)
Zip file with Jetty bundled Version 4.1.10 (Jan 15th, 2011)
Exe file with Jetty bundled Version 4.1.10 (Jan 15th, 2011)