Douglas Crockford 大神写的 JavaScript 异步控制库:RQ(上)


Douglas Crockford


RQ 是一个运行在服务端用于管理异步的小型 JavaScript 库。

RQ is a small JavaScript library for managing asynchronicity in server applications.


The source is available at This page is available at It is in the Public Domain.

异步 Asynchronicity


Asynchronicity is becoming the preferred method for solving a large class of problems, from user interfaces to servers. Asynchronous functions return control to the caller almost immediately. Success or failure will be communicated somehow in the future, but usually the caller will resume long before that occurs. The communication will probably make use of some sort of callback function or continuation.


At its simplest, it means that instead of writing

function oldway( . . . ) {
    . . .
    return result;


we now sometimes write

function newway(callback, . . . ) {
    . . .
    return callback(result);


But of course it is not that simple.


Servers offer workflows that are significantly different than those found in user interfaces. An incoming message might require several processing steps in which the result of each step is given to the next step. Since each step may be concluded in a different processing turn, callbacks must be used. The program may not block while awaiting results. The naïve approach is start each step in the callback function of the previous step. This is a very awkward way to write, producing programs that are brittle, difficult to read, and difficult to maintain.


A workflow might have several independent steps, which means that those steps could be taken in parallel, which could have significant performance benefits. The elapsed time of the steps could be the slowest of all of the steps, instead of the total of all of the steps, which could be a dramatic speed up. But it is not obvious how to take advantage of parallelism with simple callbacks. The naïve approach is to perform each step serially. This is a very awkward way to write, producing programs that a brittle, difficult to read, difficult to maintain, and much too slow.

该并行模式是如此的困难以至于某些用户吐槽异步这玩意搞起来不大自然(或曰“反人类”)。但要搞清楚的是这不是异步本身的问题(异步其实是极好的),只不过我们没有适当的工具来异步罢了。尽管已经有了诸如 promise 等的工具来搞定那些问题,但 promise 本身却不是为服务端而设计的。

This pattern is so problematic that some of its users have denounced asynchronicity, declaring that it is unnatural and impossible to manage. But it turns out that the problem isn't with asynchronicity. The problem is trying to do asynchronicity without proper tools. There are lots of tools available now, including promises. There are many good things that can be done with promises, but promises were not designed to help manage workflows in servers.

于是,发明 RQ 就有了合理的解释了。异步是好东西。我们不应该无视或拒绝它。我们应该尽量接受它,因为它是大势所趋。而 RQ 就赋予了你这么一个简单的工具实现异步。

That is specifically what RQ was designed to do. Asynchronicity is our friend. We should not attempt to hide it or deny it. We must embrace asynchronicity because it is our destiny. RQ gives you the simple tools you need to do that.

工作流 Workflow

RQ 中的一个完整工作流可以分解成为若干的步骤(或称作任务或工作)。每个步骤视为函数。这些函数又可以称为“请求者(requestors)”, 因为调用中很可能会发起请求。RQ 的作用在于统筹这些请求者们,采用串行或并行的方式来处理它们。

With RQ, a workflow is broken into a set of steps or tasks or jobs. Each step is represented by a function. These functions are called requestors because calling one is likely to initiate a request. RQ provides services that can collect some requestors together and process them sequentially or in parallel.

举个例子,respond 请求者首先会调用 getId,得到结果后把结果交给 getPreference 请求者,然后又把得到的结果交割 getStuff 请求者。最后一个 请求者 buildPage 会把最后一个结果 stuff 用于构建页面。

For example, the respond requestor will call the getId requestor, give that result to the getPreference requestor, and give that result to the getStuff requestor. The buildPage requestor will use the stuff to build a page.

respond = RQ.sequence([

上述使用的 getStuff 请求者会返回 stuff 数组,所谓 stuff 数组里面的内容又是并行方式获取的。发出的请求有 getNav、getAds、getWeathergetMessageOfTheDay  这一组,并也同时请求 getHoroscopegetGossip 这一组。但是这两组它们有什么不同呢?后一组被视为不要紧的,可有可无的:如果前一组搞定的话而后一组未搞定的话,则不管后一组怎么样不会等待,就视为全部搞定。反过来说,如果后一组在前一组成功的时限内,那么后一组将会有效。

The getStuff requestor that was used above will produce an array of stuff, and it can get all of the stuff in parallel. It will begin the getNav, getAds, getWeather, and getMessageOfTheDay jobs, and also begin getHoroscope and getGossip. Those last two are considered unimportant. If they can be finished before the four main jobs finish, then they will be included in the result. But we won't wait for them.

getStuff = RQ.parallel([
], [

RQ 提供竞赛机制的支持。所谓竞赛,表示一组步骤中,以最快完成的那个为胜利者,取胜利者的结果,其余的不理。我们上述使用的 getAds 请求者实际是这样的。

RQ can also support races, where several jobs are started at once and the first one to finish successfully wins. We could have created the getAds requestor that was used above like this:

getAds = RQ.race([

getAd 是生产请求者的工厂函数。它有个有一个表示最快广告网络的参数。在这个例子中会发起对这三个广告网络的请求,看哪个最快响应的便是结果。

getAd is a factory function that makes requestors. getAd takes a parameter that identifies an advertising network. In this example, requests will be made of three advertising networks. The first to provide an acceptable response will win.

RQ 亦支持“备胎(fallback)机制”。倘若 A 计划失败则尝试 B 计划;B 计划失败的话,则 C 计划上。上述所用的 getWeather 请求者即是一个“备胎函数”。首先尝试从本地缓存获取结果;倘若失败则从本地数据库获取;最后也不行的话,则尝试从远程数据库获取天气。

RQ can also support fallbacks. If Plan A fails, try Plan B. And if that fails, Plan C. The getWeather requestor that was used above could have been made as a fallback. It would first try to get a result from the local cache. If that fails, it will try the local database. If that fails, it will try the remote database.

getWeather = RQ.fallback([
    fetch("weather", localCache),
    fetch("weather", localDB),
    fetch("weather", remoteDB)

小结下,RQ 有四种函数:串行函数 RQ.sequence、并行函数 RQ.parallel、 竞争函数 RQ.race 和备胎函数 RQ.fallback。每种函数都可以传入请求者组成的数组,然后返回一个总的请求者。这个所谓的总的请求者就是企图把多个请求者函数合并为一个。每个函数可传入超时函数,一旦超时了则取消任务。

RQ provides just four functions: RQ.sequence, RQ.parallel, RQ.race, and RQ.fallback. Each takes an array of requestors and returns a requestor that combines them into a unit. Each can also take an optional time limit which can cancel the jobs and produce an early failure if time runs out.

时间: 2024-10-17 03:39:14

Douglas Crockford 大神写的 JavaScript 异步控制库:RQ(上)的相关文章

Douglas Crockford 大神写的 JavaScript 异步控制库:RQ(下)

RQ 库 The RQ Library RQ 仅仅是一个文件,rq.js.运行起来创建一个 RQ 变量,该变量包含四个函数. RQ is delivered as a single file, rq.js. When run, it produces an RQ variable containing an object containing four functions. RQ.sequence(requestors) RQ.sequence(requestors, milliseconds)


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