linux system-system function can not run correct after modify the enviroment?


system function can not run correct after modify the enviroment?


int main()
char *ptr = NULL;
char path[1024] = {0};
char pathori[1024] = {0};
int ret = 0;

ptr = getenv("PATH");

strcpy(pathori, ptr);

printf("pathori=%sn", pathori);

setenv("PATH", "/home/chenlong12580/develop/bina", 1);

ret = system("test");
printf("ret=%dn", ret);

ptr = getenv("PATH");
memset(path, 0, 1024);
strcpy(path, ptr);
printf("path1=%sn", path);

setenv("PATH", pathori, 1);
ptr = getenv("PATH");
memset(path, 0, 1024);
strcpy(path, ptr);
printf("path2=%sn", path);

return 0;


时间: 2024-11-17 19:19:32

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