crpcut 1.3.2更新日志:
Now show stack backtrace for heap errors if support for backtrace is found by
C++Make. Support for this can be disabled by adding -DUSE_BACKTRACE=no on the CMake command line when building the cmake library. Improved the behaviour of the heap instrumentation at startup. There are still typically 6 false leaks reported by valgrind,
which I believe is a bug in valgrind that doesn't count VALGRIND_MEMPOOL_FREE(pool, addr) as free'd. Reduced compile time for tests. Typical reduction is around 20%, but as much as 50% improvement has been seen, depending on compiler switches and hardware. ">Incorporated Mattias Holmlund's html-display from
crpcut是一款C++的单元测试框架。Compartmented Robust Posix C++单元测试系统。 crpcut运行所有的测试案例,在自己的进程和自己的工作目录,这使得它能非常完美的维护和测试套件,甚至在一个意外SIGSEGV的事件中。通过使用C99的预处理,和一些其他的C++0X功能可供GCC长期提供,测试将变得非常容易。