Eagle Mode一种可缩放的用户界面与专业文件管理器,文字和图像浏览器,音频和">视频播放器,归档,25044.html">棋牌游戏,三维扫雷,世界时钟,和分形的乐趣,集成在一个虚拟的宇宙所有(醉),与的C + +工具包的API。
Eagle Mode is an advanced solution for a zoomable user interface. It has a professional file manager, file viewers and players for most of the common file types, a chess game, a 3D mines game, a multi-function clock and some fractal fun, all integrated in a virtual cosmos.
Eagle Mode 0.82.0更新日志:
The emNetwalk plugin has an option for marking pieces automatically when they are rotated. The audio and video player now saves the play position. On most 32-bit systems, support for large files has been added. On Windows, a crash has been fixed as well as the failing of file manager commands by extended file name characters. On OpenSolaris, a failure of the select function has been worked around. Minor fixes were applied.