
  data_seg    segment
school db 'THE SCHOOL LIFE$'
item   db '1: story start$'
item1  db '2: exit$'
help   db 'please input 1 to start the story,input 2 to quit$'
story  db 'So, one day, liu joyfully to 1 experiment upstairs ',0ah,0dh                    ;故事情节描述
       db  0ah,0dh,'          self-study,the weather was very cold, eating sweet ',0ah,0dh
       db  0ah,0dh,'          potato, while happy with ShuWenJing just come back'  ,0ah,0dh
       db  0ah,0dh,'          from teaching building, two people meet by  chance,' ,0ah,0dh
       db  0ah,0dh,'          after open the follow-up story...$'
liu1   db  'hello,shuwenjing,how are you?$'                                                ;两个人的对话内容
shu1   db  'I am fine thank you,I heared$'
shu2       db  'that you parcipicated the ASM compete?$'
liu2   db  'Yes,I have accomplished the $'
liu3       db    'program,I will display it.$'
shu3   db  'OK,let us see.$'
shu4   db  'OH,that is great,you are so clever.$'
liu4   db  'thank you,Do not modest,I consider$ '
liu5       db         'your program makes better than me.$'
shu5   db  'My program is a music,let us see.$'
ko     db  40 dup(' '),'$'
mus_freq dw 330,330,349,392,392,349,330,294,262,262,294,330,330,294,294                       ;歌曲的曲谱音符对应的频率
         dw 330,330,349,392,392,349,330,294,262,262,294,330,294,262,262
         dw 292,294,330,262,294,330,349,330,262,294,330,349,330,262,262,294,196,330
         dw 330,330,349,392,392,349,330,294,294,262,262,294,330,294,262,262
          dw 330,330,349,392,392,349,330,294,262,262,294,330,330,294,294
         dw 330,330,349,392,392,349,330,294,262,262,294,330,294,262,262
         dw 292,294,330,262,294,330,349,330,262,294,330,349,330,262,262,294,196,330
         dw 330,330,349,392,392,349,330,294,294,262,262,294,330,294,262,262
         dw 330,330,349,392,392,349,330,294,262,262,294,330,330,294,294
         dw 330,330,349,392,392,349,330,294,262,262,294,330,294,262,262
         dw 292,294,330,262,294,330,349,330,262,294,330,349,330,262,262,294,196,330
         dw 330,330,349,392,392,349,330,294,294,262,262,294,330,294,262,262
         dw -1
mus_time dw 14 dup(5),10                                                                      ;歌曲每个音符的延时时间
         dw 14 dup(5),10
         dw 4  dup(5),10 dup(4),5,5,5
         dw 4 dup(5),5 dup(4),6 dup(5),10
        dw 14 dup(5),10
         dw 14 dup(5),10
         dw 4  dup(5),10 dup(4),5,5,5
         dw 4 dup(5),5 dup(4),6 dup(5),10
      dw 14 dup(5),10
         dw 14 dup(5),10
         dw 4  dup(5),10 dup(4),5,5,5
         dw 4 dup(5),5 dup(4),6 dup(5),10
boy  db  53                                                                                  ;男孩像素点描述
     db 7ch,01h,0,0
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 2dh,01h,0,1
     db 2dh,01h,0,1
     db 2dh,01h,0,1
     db 2dh,01h,0,1
     db 2dh,01h,0,1
     db 7ch,01h,0,1
     db 7ch,01h,-1,0
     db 7ch,01h,-1,0
     db 7ch,01h,-1,0
     db 2dh,01h,0,-1
     db 2dh,01h,0,-1
     db 2dh,01h,0,-1
     db 2dh,01h,0,-1
     db 2dh,01h,0,-1
     db 2dh,01h,1,1
     db 2dh,01h,0,2
     db 5ch,01h,3,0
     db 5ch,01h,1,1
     db 5ch,01h,1,1
     db 5ch,01h,1,1
     db 2fh,01h,0,-8
     db 2fh,01h,-1,1
     db 2fh,01h,-1,1
     db 2fh,01h,-1,1
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 2dh,01h,0,-1
     db 7ch,01h,0,-1
     db 7ch,01h,-1,0
     db 2dh,01h,0,1
     db 2dh,01h,0,4
     db 7ch,01h,0,1
     db 7ch,01h,1,0
     db 2dh,01h,0,-1
     db 7ch,01h,0,-1
     db 7ch,01h,-1,0
     db 7ch,01h,-1,0
      db 7ch,01h,-1,0
     db 7ch,01h,-1,0
      db 7ch,01h,-1,0
     db 7ch,01h,-1,0
      db 7ch,01h,-1,0
     db 4fh,01h,-3,-1

girl db 38                                                                   ;女孩像素点描述
     db 7ch,0ch,0,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 5ch,0ch,1,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2fh,0ch,0,1
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 5ch,0ch,-1,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2fh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,1,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,2
     db 4fh,0ch,1,-1
     db 2fh,0ch,2,-1
     db 2fh,0ch,1,-1
     db 2fh,0ch,1,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 7ch,0ch,1,1
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,0,3
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0

     db 2dh,0ch,-1,1
     db 5ch,0ch,0,1
     db 5ch,0ch,-1,-1
     db 5ch,0ch,-1,-1

ooo  db 56                                                                   ;字母o像素点描述
     db 7ch,0ch,0,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 5ch,0ch,1,0
     db 5ch,0ch,1,1
     db 5ch,0ch,1,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2fh,0ch,0,1
     db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
     db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 5ch,0ch,-1,-1
     db 5ch,0ch,-1,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2fh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2fh,0ch,1,-1
     db 2fh,0ch,1,-1
     db 7ch,0ch,1,1
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 5ch,0ch,1,0
     db 5ch,0ch,1,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2fh,0ch,0,1
     db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 5ch,0ch,-1,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2fh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2fh,0ch,-1,-1
     eee  db 106
     db 7ch,0ch,-10,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,1,0
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 7ch,0ch,0,1
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 7ch,0ch,0,-1
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 7ch,0ch,0,1
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 7ch,0ch,0,-1
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,1
     db 7ch,0ch,0,1
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
    db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2dh,0ch,0,-1
     db 2bh,0ch,1,0
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,1,-8
     db 2bh,0ch,1,0
     db 2bh,0ch,1,0
     db 2bh,0ch,1,0
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,1,-8
     db 2bh,0ch,1,0
     db 2bh,0ch,1,0
     db 2bh,0ch,1,0
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
      db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
      db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
      db 2bh,0ch,0,1
     db 2bh,0ch,0,1
XXX  DB 67                                                                    ;字母x像素点描述
      db 2fh,0ch,0,0
      db 5ch,0ch,0,1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,9
      db 5ch,0ch,0,1
      db 2fh,0ch,1,0
      db '+',0ch,0,-1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,-1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,-7
      db '+',0ch,0,-1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,-1
      db 5ch,0ch,1,1
      db '+',0ch,0,1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,5
      db '+',0ch,0,1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,1

      db 2fh,0ch,1,-1
      db '+',0ch,0,-1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,-1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,-3
      db '+',0ch,0,-1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,-1
      db 5ch,0ch,1,1
      db '+',0ch,0,1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,1
      db '+',0ch,0,1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,1

      db 2fh,0ch,1,-1
      db '+',0ch,0,-1
      db '+',0ch,0,-1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,-1

      db 2fh,0ch,1,0
      db '+',0ch,0,1
      db '+',0ch,0,1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,1
      db 5ch,0ch,1,1
      db '+',0ch,0,-1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,-1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,-1
      db '+',0ch,0,-1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,-1
      db 2fh,0ch,1,-1
      db '+',0ch,0,1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,3
      db '+',0ch,0,1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,1

      db 5ch,0ch,1,1
      db '+',0ch,0,-1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,-1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,-5
      db '+',0ch,0,-1
      db 2fh,0ch,0,-1

      db 5ch,0ch,1,0
      db 2fh,0ch,0,1
      db 5ch,0ch,0,7

      db 2fh,0ch,0,1

; db 2fh,0ch,1,0
    ;  db 5ch,0ch,0,-1
    ;  db 2fh,0ch,0,-9
    ;  db 5ch,0ch,0,-1

    ;    db 2fh,0ch,1,-1
    ;  db '+',0ch,0,1
     ; db 2fh,0ch,0,1
     ; db 5ch,0ch,0,7

     ; db '+',0ch,0,1
     ; db 5ch,0ch,0,1
     ; db 2fh,0ch,1,0
     ; db 5ch,0ch,0,-1
     ; db 2fh,0ch,0,-9
     ; db 5ch,0ch,0,-1
 YYY DB 36                                                         ;字母y像素点描述
    db 2fH,0ch,0,0
    db 5ch,0ch,0,1
    db 2fh,0ch,0,9
    db 5ch,0ch,0,1
    db 2fh,0ch,1,0
    db 2fh,0ch,0,-2
    db 5ch,0ch,0,-7
    db 5ch,0ch,0,-2
    db 5ch,0ch,1,1
    db 5ch,0ch,0,2
    db 2fh,0ch,0,5
    db 2fh,0ch,0,2
    db 2fh,0ch,1,-1
    db 2fh,0ch,0,-2
    db 5ch,0ch,0,-3
    db 5ch,0ch,0,-2
    db 5ch,0ch,1,1
    db 5ch,0ch,0,2
    db 2fh,0ch,0,1
    db 2fh,0ch,0,2
    db 2fh,0ch,1,-1
    db 5ch,0ch,0,-3
    db '|',0ch,1,0
    db '|',0ch,0,2
    db '|',0ch,1,0
    db '|',0ch,0,-2
    db '|',0ch,1,0
    db '|',0ch,0,2
    db '|',0ch,1,0
    db '|',0ch,0,-2
    db '|',0ch,1,0
    db '|',0ch,0,2
    db '|',0ch,1,0
    db '|',0ch,0,-2
    db '|',0ch,1,0
    db '|',0ch,0,2

 III        db 65                                                       ;字母i像素点描述
             db 7ch,0ch,0,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-8,0
             db 7ch,0ch,9,1
  AAAA       db 57                                                        ;字母a像素点描述
             db '_',0ch,0,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,2,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,-3,1
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-2,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,1
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,3,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-2,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,2,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,0,1
  QQQ        db 90                                                    ;字母q像素点描述
             db 7ch,0ch,0,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,1
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,7,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,7,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-6,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,5,0
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,2,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-3,0
             db '_',0ch,-5,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,5,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,2,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-2,0
             db '_',0ch,-6,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,6,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-7,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,7,0
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,1
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,2,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 2fh,0ch,0,1
             db 2fh,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
  NNN        db 68                                                   ;字母n像素点描述
             db 7ch,0ch,0,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,0,1
             db 5ch,0ch,-9,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-9,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
  GGG        db 91                                                           ;字母g像素点描述
             db 7ch,0ch,0,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,1
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,7,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-3,0
             db '_',0ch,-5,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,4,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,3,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-3,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-4,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,3,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,3,0
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,0,1
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-3,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,1
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,1
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,1
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,2,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
  JJJ        db 58                                                          ;字母j像素点描述
             db 7ch,0ch,0,0
             db 2ah,0ch,7,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,1
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,0,1
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,0,1

  DDD        db 77                                                                          ;字母d像素点描述
             db '_',0ch,0,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,9,0
             db 2fh,0ch,0,1
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,8,0
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-7,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,1
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,6,0
             db 2ah,0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
             db 28h,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,1
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 29h,0ch,1,0

  UUU        db 77                                                             ;字母u像素点描述
             db '_',0ch,0,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,1
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0

             db 5ch,0ch,8,0
             db 5ch,0ch,1,0
             db 5ch,0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0

             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,0,1
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-8,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 2ah,0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,1,0
             db 2fh,0ch,-1,1
             db 2bh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,-1,0
             db 2bh,0ch,-1,0
             db 3dh,0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,-1,0
             db '_',0ch,0,1
             db 3dh,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,1,0
             db 7ch,0ch,-7,1
             db '_',0ch,-1,0

  car        db 6
             db 3dh,0eh,0,0
             db 40h,0bh,1,0
             db 3dh,0eh,1,0
             db 3ch,0eh,0,1
             db 02ah,0bh,-1,0
             db 3ch,0eh,-1,0

  jeep       db 6
             db 3dh,0eh,0,0
             db 40h,0bh,1,0
             db 3dh,0eh,1,0
             db 3ch,0eh,0,-1
             db 02ah,0bh,-1,0
             db 3ch,0eh,-1,0

 char_cnt1     dw ?
 pointer1      dw ?
 line_on1      db ?
 col_on1       db ?
 char          dw ?
 Acount        db ?
 Acount0       db ?
 Acount1       db ?
 car2  db 5 dup(20h) ;汽车图形数据
      dw 0dbdbh
      db 154 dup(20h)
      dw 0dbdbh
      db 20h
      dw 0dbdbh
      db 20h
      dw 0dbdbh
      db 20h
      dw 0dbdbh
      db 151 dup(20h),4fh,5 dup(20h),4fh 

      lencar  dw 330 ;汽车显示总长度 

      road  dw 80 dup(01616h) ;公路图形数据
      lenroad db 80 ;公路显示总长度
 data_seg    ends
 ;------------------ 代码段  ---------------------
 code_seg    segment
             assume cs:code_seg,ds:data_seg
 main        proc  far
             push  ds
             sub   ax,ax
             sub   cx,cx
             push  ax
             push  cx
             mov   ax,data_seg
             mov   ds,ax
             call  clear_screen  ;清屏
             mov   Acount1,2
             mov   Acount0,11
             mov cx,80
    next1:   mov dh,1
             mov dl,0
             call display
             mov dh,2
             mov dl,0
             call display
             mov dh,22
             mov dl,0
             call display
             mov dh,23
             mov dl,0
             call display
             loop next1
             lea di,school ;标题
             mov dh,5
             mov dl,30
             call display1

             mov ah,2
             mov dh,8
             mov dl,15
             int 10h
             lea dx,item      ;人机对话 第一选项
             mov ah,9
             int 21h
             mov ah,2
             mov dh,12
             mov dl,15
             int 10h
             lea dx,item1       ;第二选项

             mov ah,9
             int 21h
             mov ah,2
             mov dh,21
             mov dl,15
             int 10h
             lea dx,help
             mov ah,9
             int 21h
             mov ah,1
             int 21h
             cmp al,'2'       ;选2退出
             je we
             cmp al,'1'       ;选1执行
             je me

   me:       call  clear_screen
             mov ah,2
             mov dh,6
             mov dl,14
             int 10h
             call story1          ;调用故事描述函数
             call delay3
             call  clear_screen
             call car1            ;调用汽车运行函数
             call delay3
             call  clear_screen
             call people1          ;调用两人第一次对话函数

             mov cx,10000
     next2:  loop next2

             call  clear_screen
             call zixianshi          ;调用显示‘xianyoudiandaxue’函数
            call delay3
             call  people2          ;调用两人第二次对话函数
             call delay3
             call music             ;调用歌曲
  we:        mov ah,4ch
             int 21h
             pop   cx
main        endp
 ;-------------第一次对话  ---------------
people1 proc near
      push ax
       push bx
       push cx
       push dx
       push si
       push di
       push bp
       push es
      call  clear_screen
             lea di,girl
             mov   dh,6
             mov   dl,10
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2
           lea di,boy
            mov dh,6
            mov dl,70
            call  move_shape1
            call  Amust_2

           mov  dh,2
           mov  dl,45
           mov ah,2
           int 10h
            lea dx,liu1
             mov ah,9
            int 21h
            call delay3

           mov  dh,2
           mov  dl,45
           mov ah,2
           int 10h
            lea dx,ko
             mov ah,9
            int 21h

            mov dh,2
            mov dl,15
            mov ah,2
            int 10h
             lea dx,shu1
             mov ah,9
             int 21h
             call delay3
           mov dh,2
            mov dl,15
            mov ah,2
            int 10h
             lea dx,ko
             mov ah,9
             int 21h

            mov dh,3
            mov dl,15
            mov ah,2
            int 10h
             lea dx,shu2
             mov ah,9
             int 21h
             call delay3
            mov dh,3
            mov dl,15
            mov ah,2
            int 10h
             lea dx,ko
             mov ah,9
             int 21h

             mov  dh,2
           mov  dl,45
           mov ah,2
           int 10h
            lea dx,liu2
             mov ah,9
            int 21h
           call delay3
           mov  dh,2
           mov  dl,45
           mov ah,2
           int 10h
            lea dx,ko
             mov ah,9
            int 21h

            mov  dh,3
           mov  dl,45
           mov ah,2
           int 10h
            lea dx,liu3
             mov ah,9
            int 21h
            call delay3
            mov  dh,3
           mov  dl,45
           mov ah,2
           int 10h
            lea dx,ko
             mov ah,9
            int 21h

            mov dh,2
            mov dl,15
            mov ah,2
            int 10h
             lea dx,shu3
             mov ah,9
             int 21h
           call delay3
            mov dh,2
            mov dl,15
            mov ah,2
            int 10h
             lea dx,ko
             mov ah,9
             int 21h

       pop es
        pop bp
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax

people1 endp
people2 proc near
      push ax
       push bx
       push cx
       push dx
       push si
       push di
       push bp
       push es
      call  clear_screen
             lea di,girl
             mov   dh,6
             mov   dl,10
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2
           lea di,boy
            mov dh,6
            mov dl,70
            call  move_shape1
            call  Amust_2

           mov  dh,2
           mov  dl,15
           mov ah,2
           int 10h
            lea dx,shu4
             mov ah,9
            int 21h
            call delay3

           mov  dh,2
           mov  dl,15
           mov ah,2
           int 10h
            lea dx,ko
             mov ah,9
            int 21h

            mov dh,2
            mov dl,45
            mov ah,2
            int 10h
             lea dx,liu4
             mov ah,9
             int 21h
             call delay3
           mov dh,2
            mov dl,45
            mov ah,2
            int 10h
             lea dx,ko
             mov ah,9
             int 21h

            mov dh,3
            mov dl,45
            mov ah,2
            int 10h
             lea dx,liu5
             mov ah,9
             int 21h
             call delay3
            mov dh,3
            mov dl,45
            mov ah,2
            int 10h
             lea dx,ko
             mov ah,9
             int 21h

             mov  dh,2
           mov  dl,15
           mov ah,2
           int 10h
            lea dx,shu5
             mov ah,9
            int 21h
           call delay3
           mov  dh,2
           mov  dl,15
           mov ah,2
           int 10h
            lea dx,ko
             mov ah,9
            int 21h

       pop es
        pop bp
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax

people2 endp
car1  proc near
       push ax
       push bx
       push cx
       push dx
       push si
       push di
       push bp
       push es
      mov ax,data_seg
      mov ds,ax
      lea bp,car2 ;将汽车数据传给显示入口
      mov es,ax
     mov cx,69d ;69祯画面
     mov dh,6d ;第6行
    mov dl,00h ;第0列
s0:  ;动画
   call cardisplay ;画汽车
   inc dl ;向后移一列
  call delay2 ;停留一小段时间
   loop s0 ;如果没到第69祯,继续画
        pop es
        pop bp
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax

car1  endp
cardisplay proc near
call clear ;清屏
push ax
       push bx
       push cx
       push dx
       push si
       push di
       push bp
       push es
  mov cx,lencar  ;设置显示汽车长度
  mov bh,00h  ;第0页
  mov bl,0f9h ;白色背景(f) 蓝色前景(9)
  mov ax,1301h ;显示汽车
  int 10h
 pop es
  pop bp
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax

cardisplay endp

clear proc near
 push ax
       push bx
       push cx
       push dx
       push si
       push di
       push bp
       push es

  mov ax,0600h  ;ah=06(滚动) al=00(全屏空白)
  mov bh,0f0h  ;黑色背景(0) 白色前景(f)
  sub cx,cx  ;左上角行:列
  mov dx,184fh  ;右下角行:列
  int 10h
  mov dh,11d ;第11行
call roaddisplay
mov dh,12d ;第12行
call roaddisplay
 pop es
pop bp
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax
clear endp

roaddisplay proc near
    push ax
       push bx
       push cx
       push dx
       push si
       push di
       push bp
       push es
mov ax,data_seg
  mov ds,ax 

  lea bp,road ;将公路数据传给显示入口
  mov es,ax 

  mov dl,00h ;第0列
  mov ch,00h
  mov cl,lenroad  ;设置显示公路长度
  mov bh,00h  ;第0页
  mov bl,0f5h  ;白色背景(f) 棕色前景(9)
  mov ax,1301h ;显示公路
  int 10h
pop es
pop bp
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax
roaddisplay endp

delay2 proc
  push ax
       push bx
       push cx
       push dx
       push si
       push di
       push bp
       push es
  mov dx,0fffh
 up:  mov cx,10000  ;延时
 a: loop a
  dec dx
  jnz up
 pop es
pop bp
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax
  ret ;返回
delay2 endp
story1 proc near
       push ax
       push bx
       push cx
       push dx
       push si
       push di
       push bp
       lea si,story
       next:mov dl,[si]
            cmp dl,'$'
            je  exit3
            mov ah,2
            int 21h
            inc si
            mov cx,10000
     next4: mov bx,15000
     next3: dec bx
            jnz next3
            dec cx
            jnz next4

            JMP NEXT
exit3:  pop bp
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax

story1  endp
music  proc near
       push ax
       push bx
       push cx
       push dx
       push si
       push di
       push bp
       lea si,mus_freq
       lea bp,ds:mus_time
freq:  mov di,[si]
       cmp di,-1
       je end_mus
       mov bx,ds:[bp]
       call sounf
       add si,2
       add bp,2
       jmp freq
end_mus:pop bp
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax

music  endp
sounf proc near
      push ax
      push bx
      push cx
      push dx
      push di
      mov al,0b6h
      out 43h,al
      mov dx,12h
      mov ax,348ch
      div di
      out 42h,al
      mov al,ah
      out 42h,al
      in al,61h
      mov ah,al
      or al,3
      out 61h,al
      wait1:call waitf

       dec bx
      jnz wait1
      mov al,ah
      out 61h,al
      pop di
      pop dx
      pop cx
      pop bx
      pop ax

sounf endp
waitf proc near
      push ax
      in al,61h
      and al,10h
      cmp al,ah
      je waitf1
      mov ah,al
      loop waitf1
      pop ax
waitf endp    

 zixianshi   proc near
             push ax
             push bx
             push cx
             push dx  

        Aagai:    lea di,XXX
             mov   dh,5
             mov   dl,4
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,III
             mov   dh,15
             mov   dl,18
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2
             lea  di,AAAA
             mov   dh,13
             mov   dl,34
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,NNN
             mov   dh,15
             mov   dl,53
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea  di,jeep
             mov   dh,4
             mov   dl,75
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_21
             cmp   Acount1,1
             jne   Aagain
             pop   cx

             lea   di,YYY
             mov   dh,4
             mov   dl,10
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,ooo
             mov   dh,8
             mov   dl,29
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,uuu
             mov   dh,5
             mov   dl,48
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea  di,jeep
             mov   dh,4
             mov   dl,75
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_21
             cmp   Acount1,1
             jne   Aagain0
             pop   cx
Aagain0:    lea    di,ddd
             mov   dh,5
             mov   dl,4
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,iii
             mov   dh,15
             mov   dl,23
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,aaaa
             mov   dh,13
             mov   dl,38
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,nnn
             mov   dh,15
             mov   dl,58
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,jeep
             mov   dh,4
             mov   dl,75
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_21
             cmp   Acount1,1
             jne   Aagain1
             pop   cx
             lea   di,DDD
             mov   dh,5
             mov   dl,3
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,aaaa
             mov   dh,13
             mov   dl,18
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,xxx
             mov   dh,5
             mov   dl,36
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2
            lea   di,uuu
             mov   dh,5
             mov   dl,49
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,eee
             mov   dh,15
             mov   dl,65
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_2

             lea   di,jeep
             mov   dh,4
             mov   dl,75
             call  move_shape1
             call  Amust_21
             pop dx
             pop cx
             pop bx
             pop ax
zixianshi endp
clear1   proc near
       push bx
       push cx
       push es

       mov  bx,0b800h
       mov  es,bx
       mov  bx,0
       mov  cx,2000
sub1s: mov  byte ptr es:[bx],' '
       add  bx,2
       loop sub1s
       pop  es
       pop  cx
       pop  bx
clear1  endp
 clear_screen proc near
             push   ax
             push   bx
             push   cx
             push   dx
             mov    ah,6
             mov    al,0
             mov    ch,0
             mov    cl,0
             mov    dh,24
             mov    dl,79
             mov    bh,7
             int    10h
             pop     dx
             pop     cx
             pop     bx
             pop     ax
 clear_screen  endp
 move_shape1    proc near
                push ax
                push bx
                push cx
                push dx
                push di
                mov  ah,0fh
                int  10h
                sub  ch,ch
                mov  cl,[di]
                inc  di
                mov  char_cnt1,cx
                mov  pointer1,di
                mov  line_on1,dh
                mov  col_on1,dl
                mov  char,cx
                pop  di
                pop  dx
                pop  cx
                pop  bx
                pop  ax
 move_shape1    endp
 Amust_2        proc       near
                push ax
                push bx
                push cx
                push dx
                push di
                mov  ah,0fh
                int  10h
               sub  cx,cx
             mov        cx,char_cnt1
             mov        di,pointer1
             mov        dh,line_on1
             mov        dl,col_on1
             add  dh,[di+2]
             add  dl,[di+3]
             mov  ah,2
             int  10h
             mov  al,[di]
             mov  bl,[di+1]
             push cx
             mov  cx,1
             mov  ah,09
             int  10h
             pop  cx
             add  di,4
             call dly_qrtr
             loop Aplot_next0
             pop  di
             pop  dx
             pop  cx
             pop  bx
             pop  ax
  Amust_2    endp
 Amust_21       proc       near
                push ax
                push bx
                push cx
                push dx
                push di
                mov  ah,0fh
                int  10h
                mov  Acount,20
 Aexit1:        call dly_qrtr
                dec  Acount
                je   Aexit5
                jmp  Aexit1
 Aexit5:        sub  cx,cx
             mov        cx,char_cnt1
             mov        di,pointer1
             mov        dh,line_on1
             mov        dl,col_on1
             add  dh,[di+2]
             add  dl,[di+3]
             cmp  dl,2
             je   Aexit4
             mov  ah,2
             int  10h
             mov  al,[di]
             mov  bl,[di+1]
             push cx
             mov  cx,1
             mov  ah,09
             int  10h
             pop  cx
             cmp  al,40h
             je   Aexitx0
             cmp  al,02ah
             je   Aexitx0
             jmp  Aexitx1
 Aexitx0:    dec  Acount0
             jne  Aplot_next
             mov  Acount0,11
 Aexitx1:    add  di,4
             loop Aplot_next
             call dly_qrtr
             call dly_qrtr
             call dly_qrtr
             call Aerase
             jmp  Aexit5
  Aexit4:    call Aerase
             pop  di
             pop  dx
             pop  cx
             pop  bx
             pop  ax
  Amust_21    endp

 、Aerase        proc       near
            mov        cx,char_cnt1
            mov        di,pointer1
            mov        dh,line_on1
            mov        dl,col_on1
             add        dh,[di+2]
             add        dl,[di+3]
             cmp        dl,2
             je         Aleft
             mov        ah,2
             int        10h
             mov        ah,8
             int        10h
             cmp        al,40h
             je         Aexitx2
             cmp        al,02ah
             je         Aexitx2
             jmp        Aexitx3
 Aexitx2:    dec        Acount0
             jne        Aexitx3
             mov        Acount0,11
 Aexitx3:    cmp        Acount1,1
             je         Aexit0
             mov        al,'*'
             mov        bl,03h
             jmp        Aexit7
 Aexit0:     mov        al,'*'
             mov        bl,0
 Aexit7:     push       cx
             mov        cx,1
             mov        ah,9
             int        10h
             pop        cx
             cmp        Acount0,11
             jne        Aerase_next
             add        di,4
             loop       Aerase_next
             dec        col_on1
             mov        cx,char_cnt1
             mov        di,pointer1
             mov        dh,line_on1
             mov        dl,col_on1
 Aleft:       ret
 Aerase        endp

 dly_qrtr    proc       near
             push       cx
             push       dx
             mov        dx,40
 dll:        mov        cx,65535
 dl2:        loop       dl2
             dec        dx
             jnz        dll
             pop        dx
             pop        cx
 dly_qrtr    endp


 display  proc near
         push cx
         push dx
         push ax
         mov ah,0fh
         int 10h
         mov ah,2
         int 10h
         mov ah,9
         mov al,'*'
         mov bl,02h
         int 10h
         pop ax
         pop dx
         pop cx
display endp

display1 proc near
         push cx
         push dx
         push ax
         mov ah,2
         int 10h
         lea dx,[di]
         mov ah,9
         int 21h
         pop ax
         pop dx
         pop cx
 display1 endp  

 delay3 proc
  push ax
       push bx
       push cx
       push dx
       push si
       push di
       push bp
       push es
  mov dx,40000
 up1:  mov cx,30000  ;延时
 a1: loop a1
  dec dx
  jnz up1
 pop es
pop bp
        pop di
        pop si
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        pop ax
  ret ;返回
delay3 endp       

 code_seg    ends
             end    main
时间: 2024-10-11 05:18:51



金巧巧手指惊现钻戒(1/6张) 日前,影视歌舞四栖明星"金巧巧"继演员海清之后陷入"隐婚门",成为内地娱乐圈的又一重大事件.继名博曝料金巧巧疑似"隐婚"之后,不少 网友也纷纷关注金巧巧的个人感情生活,并曝料金巧巧结缘泰国华裔富商,而且已经见过家长,婚期恐近. 定情泰国华裔富商 金巧巧疑似"隐婚"的消息一经传出便引起了媒体和公众的广泛关注,对此金巧巧尚未接受相关的采访,也未作出任何声明,引发网友的猜测调查.据网友调查,虽然金巧巧


一直以"新好男人"著称的佟大为,又以一部广受欢迎的<下南洋>塑造了全新的"硬汉"形象,受到了观众的热烈喜爱和高度肯定.正当我们广泛以为佟大为将以"硬汉"形象继续占领荧屏的时候,他与国内速冻食品行业领军企业--郑州思念食品有限公司成功签约,再次展现了他"新好男人"的一面. 此次签约仪式,在河南果岭温泉度假酒店盛大举行.至此,佟大为正式成为思念形象代言人. [page] "新好男人",爱上"


邹市明与冉莹颖 看过北京奥运会的朋友们都知道中国拳击界的领头人物邹市明,他在北京奥运会夺得了中国拳击的首枚金牌,创下了历史记录.近日,他对外公布将与女友.央视女主播冉莹颖在本月订婚.[page]冉莹颖私家照记录了她清纯可人的一面. 认识5天两人就开始交往 冉莹颖是中央电视台证券资讯频道<证券时间>栏目主播,也是贵州形象大使.冉莹颖和邹市明的爱情开始于2006年4月19日的一次活动,两人从相识到正式交往只有5天的时间.5天之后,邹市明就飞往古巴训练一个月. 此前在接受采访谈及二人感情时,冉莹颖说


2013年,如果没看过<小时代>,那只能说明你太小或者太老.这部偶像明星云集的"现象级"影片,甚至吸引了大洋彼岸的美国媒体关注.<小时代>有太多的第一,多到让它不能不成为媒体谈论的焦点.国内影市拍片率第一,国产片首次观影人次第一,国内2D电影首日票房第一,内地单片单影观影人次第一--所有的第一,足以牢牢抓住广告主的预算.缺乏创意的传统影片植入,往往流于生硬,结果不仅没达到广告主品牌宣传的美好愿望,反而沦落成毒舌 网友的笑柄.作为<小时代>联合出品方和


提及秦龙博士,许多传统教育行业人士可能不太熟悉,但对于在线教育领域,他曾就职的Duolingo(多邻国)公司大家并不陌生.全球用户超过1.7亿,获得比尔盖茨推荐及谷歌.NEA恩颐投资.KPCB全球等著名资本方近1亿美金投资,当属全球语言学习领域最明星的产品之一.作为其核心成员,秦龙博士独立一人负责10种以上语言的语音识别技术开发.对于秦龙博士回国,多邻国创始人路易斯 · 冯 · 安教授表示惋惜,但同时也看好其回国发展.秦龙博士于卡内基梅隆大学计算机学院取得博士学位,该校著名校友包括创新工场李开复


近日,在卡萨帝"创艺全家福 幸福网上晒"的活动页面上,有一张网友上传的照片一经发布便立刻吸引了上千网友羡慕的目光,看见照片上这对"异国恋",网友纷纷表示祝福.随后记者便联系到照片中的主人,并来到他们在北京市石景山区世纪佳苑的家进行采访.记者刚进门,便被主人扑面而来的热情所打动.女主人嘉琪是来自中国北京的姑娘,现就职于北京一家外企:男主人则是来自inf的帅小伙Toby,但是大家都亲切的叫他"小大山".Toby自幼受爷爷影响,开始学习中国文化,是个地




8月20日消息,蔚蓝的大海,随风摇曳的棕榈树,天然纯粹的白沙滩和美丽的村庄,浓郁的风土人情和各式各样的宗教节日,编织成一幅最绚烂的天堂岛屿-- 巴厘岛.丢掉单反,轻装上阵,换上极致轻薄的华为 P6 手机,满怀最轻松愉悦的心情,暂时离开炎炎酷暑的北京.以华为 P6 的视角为大家分享巴厘岛的无限魅力.2013 年 8 月,编者的蜜月之旅自此开启.先上一张结婚照.其实这是在我们的婚礼之后,来到黑神庙继续拍摄婚纱照,巧遇一对正在拍照的北京夫妇,远远地拍了一张,也为他们送上真挚的祝福.由北京出发,第一站:


NBA自由球员交易市场总是风云变幻,只要还没真正画押签字,变数依旧存在.球员们的口头承诺有时会显得一文不值,不说昔日反骨男布泽尔如何百般糊弄骑士,且说昨天特克格鲁本已口头答应开拓者,但是不过一顿饭的功夫他便改口去了报价更高的猛龙.这样看来,虽然阿里扎也已经答应报价,但是加盟火箭也并非板上钉钉之事. 火箭媒体<dreamshake>专家汤姆·马丁引用了一位名叫内特·琼斯的球迷提出的一个有趣问题,那就是"开拓者会不会从中作梗,用更高的报价从火箭手中夺下阿里扎?"球迷的担忧也是有