
 To assist in interfacing with databases. This script can format variables and return SQL formats.
Such as double quoting apposterphies and surrounding strings with quotes, Returning NULL for invalid data
types, trimming strings so they do not exceed maximum lengths. This also has some functions so that you
can open and close databases more conveiently with just one line of code. You can query a database and get
an Array as well with some code.

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    ' for :Common Database Routines
    Copyright (c) 1999 by Lewis Moten, All rights reserved.

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    ' Name: Common Database Routines
    ' Description:To assist in interfacing w
    '     ith databases. This script can format va
    '     riables and return SQL formats. Such as
    '     double quoting apposterphies and surroun
    '     ding strings with quotes, Returning NULL
    '     for invalid data types, trimming strings
    '     so they do not exceed maximum lengths. T
    '     his also has some functions so that you
    '     can open and close databases more convei
    '     ently with just one line of code. You ca
    '     n query a database and get an Array as w
    '     ell with some code.
    ' By: Lewis Moten
    ' Inputs:None
    ' Returns:None
    'Assumes:This script assumes that you at
    '     least have Microsoft ActiveX Data Object
    '     s 2.0 or Higher (ADODB). This script may
    '     get some getting used to at first until
    '     you go through and study what each routi
    '     ne can do.
    'Side Effects:None
    'code provided by Planet Source Code(tm)
    '     (www.Planet-Source-Code.com) 'as is', wi
    '     thout warranties as to performance, fitn
    '     ess, merchantability,and any other warra
    '     nty (whether expressed or implied).
    'Terms of Agreement:
    'By using this source code, you agree to
    '     the following terms...
    ' 1) You may use this source code in per
    '     sonal projects and may compile it into a
    '     n .exe/.dll/.ocx and distribute it in bi
    '     nary format freely and with no charge.
    ' 2) You MAY NOT redistribute this sourc
    '     e code (for example to a web site) witho
    '     ut written permission from the original
    '     author.Failure to do so is a violation o
    '     f copyright laws.
    ' 3) You may link to this code from anot
    '     her website, provided it is not wrapped
    '     in a frame.
    ' 4) The author of this code may have re
    '     tained certain additional copyright righ
    '     ts.If so, this is indicated in the autho
    '     r's description.
    <!--METADATA Type="TypeLib" NAME="Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library" UUID="{00000200-0000-
0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}" VERSION="2.0"-->
    ' Setup the ConnectionString
    sCONNECTION_STRING = "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver
    Dim oConn
    '     ----------------------------------------
    Function DBConnOpen(ByRef aoConnObj)
     ' This routine connects To a database and returns
     ' weather or Not it was successful
     ' Prepare For any errors that may occur While connecting To the database
     On Error Resume Next
     ' Create a connection object
     Set aoConnObj = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
     ' Open a connection To the database
     Call aoConnObj.Open(sCONNECTION_STRING)
     ' If any errors have occured
     If Err Then
     ' Clear errors
     ' Release connection object
     Set aoConnObj = Nothing
     ' Return unsuccessful results
     DBConnOpen = False
     ' Else errors did Not occur
     ' Return successful results
     DBConnOpen = True
     End If ' Err
    End Function ' DBConnOpen
    '     ----------------------------------------
    Public Function DBConnClose(ByRef aoConnObj)
     ' This routine closes the database connection and releases objects
     ' from memory
     ' If the connection variable has been defined as an object
     If IsObject(aoConnObj) Then
     ' If the connection is open
     If aoConnObj.State = adStateOpen Then
     ' Close the connection
     ' Return positive Results
     DBConnClose = True
     End If ' aoConnObj.State = adStateOpen
     ' Release connection object
     Set aoConnObj = Nothing
     End If ' IsObject(aoConnObj)
    End Function ' DBConnClose
    '     ----------------------------------------
    Public Function SetData(ByRef asSQL, ByRef avDataAry)
     ' This routine acquires data from the database
     Dim loRS ' ADODB.Recordset Object
     ' Create Recordset Object
     Set loRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
     ' Prepare For errors when opening database connection
     On Error Resume Next
     ' If a connection object has been defined
     If IsObject(oConn) Then
     ' If the connection is open
     If oConn.State = adStateOpen Then
     ' Acquire data With connection object
     Call loRS.Open(asSQL, oConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly)
     ' Else the connection is closed
     ' Set the ConnectionString
     Call SetConnectionString(csConnectionString)
     ' If atempt To open connection succeeded
     If DBConnOpen() Then
     ' Acquire data With connection object
     Call loRS.Open(asSQL, oConn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly)
     ' Return connection object To closed state
     Call DBConnClose()
     End If ' DBConnOpen()
     End If ' aoConn.State = adStateOpen
     ' Else active connection is the ConnectionString
     ' Acquire data With ConnectionString
     Call loRS.Open(asSQL, sCONNECTION_STRING, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly)
     End If ' IsObject(oConn)
     ' If errors occured
     If Err Then
     response.write "<HR color=red>" & err.description & "<HR color=red>" & asSQL & "<HR
     ' Clear the Error
     ' If the recorset is open
     If loRS.State = adStateOpen Then
     ' Close the recorset
     End If ' loRS.State = adStateOpen
     ' Release Recordset from memory
     Set loRS = Nothing
     ' Return negative results
     SetData = False
     ' Exit Routine
     Exit Function
     End If ' Err
     ' Return positve results
     SetData = True
     ' If data was found
     If Not loRS.EOF Then
     ' Pull data into an array
     avDataAry = loRS.GetRows
     End If ' Not loRS.EOF
     ' Close Recordset
     ' Release object from memory
     Set loRS = Nothing
    End Function ' SetData
    '     ----------------------------------------
    ' SQL Preperations are used to prepare v
    '     ariables for SQL Queries. If
    ' invalid data is passed to these routin
    '     es, NULL values or Default Data
    ' is returned to keep your SQL Queries f
    '     rom breaking from users breaking
    ' datatype rules.
    '     ----------------------------------------
    Public Function SQLPrep_s(ByVal asExpression, ByRef anMaxLength)
     ' If maximum length is defined
     If anMaxLength > 0 Then
     ' Trim expression To maximum length
     asExpression = Left(asExpression, anMaxLength)
     End If ' anMaxLength > 0
     ' Double quote SQL quote characters
     asExpression = Replace(asExpression, "'", "''")
     ' If Expression is Empty
     If asExpression = "" Then
     ' Return a NULL value
     SQLPrep_s = "NULL"
     ' Else expression is Not empty
     ' Return quoted expression
     SQLPrep_s = "'" & asExpression & "'"
     End If ' asExpression
    End Function ' SQLPrep_s
    '     ----------------------------------------
    Public Function SQLPrep_n(ByVal anExpression)
     ' If expression numeric
     If IsNumeric(anExpression) And Not anExpression = "" Then
     ' Return number
     SQLPrep_n = anExpression
     ' Else expression Not numeric
     ' Return NULL
     SQLPrep_n = "NULL"
     End If ' IsNumeric(anExpression) And Not anExpression = ""
    End Function ' SQLPrep_n
    '     ----------------------------------------
    Public Function SQLPrep_b(ByVal abExpression, ByRef abDefault)
     ' Declare Database Constants
     Const lbTRUE = -1 '1 = SQL, -1 = Access
     Const lbFALSE = 0
     Dim lbResult ' Result To be passed back
     ' Prepare For any errors that may occur
     On Error Resume Next
     ' If expression Not provided
     If abExpression = "" Then
     ' Set expression To default value
     abExpression = abDefault
     End If ' abExpression = ""
     ' Attempt To convert expression
     lbResult = CBool(abExpression)
     ' If Err Occured
     If Err Then
     ' Clear the Error
     ' Determine action based on Expression
     Select Case LCase(abExpression)
     ' True expressions
     Case "yes", "on", "true", "-1", "1"
     lbResult = True
     ' False expressions
     Case "no", "off", "false", "0"
     lbResult = False
     ' Unknown expression
     Case Else
     lbResult = abDefault
     End Select ' LCase(abExpression)
     End If ' Err
     ' If result is True
     If lbResult Then
     ' Return True
     SQLPrep_b = lbTRUE
     ' Else Result is False
     ' Return False
     SQLPrep_b = lbFALSE
     End If ' lbResult
    End Function ' SQLPrep_b
    '     ----------------------------------------
    Public Function SQLPrep_d(ByRef adExpression)
     ' If Expression valid Date
     If IsDate(adExpression) Then
     ' Return Date
     'SQLPrep_d = "'" & adExpression & "'" ' SQL Database
     SQLPrep_d = "#" & adExpression & "#" ' Access Database
     ' Else Expression Not valid Date
     ' Return NULL
     SQLPrep_d = "NULL"
     End If ' IsDate(adExpression)
    End Function ' SQLPrep_d
    '     ----------------------------------------
    Public Function SQLPrep_c(ByVal acExpression)
     ' If Empty Expression
     If acExpression = "" Then
     ' Return Null
     SQLPrep_c = "NULL"
     ' Else expression has content
     ' Prepare For Errors
     On Error Resume Next
     ' Attempt To convert expression to Currency
     SQLPRep_c = CCur(acExpression)
     ' If Error occured
     If Err Then
     ' Clear Error
     SQLPrep_c = "NULL"
     End If ' Err
     End If ' acExpression = ""
    End Function ' SQLPrep_c
    '     ----------------------------------------
    Function buildJoinStatment(sTable,sFldLstAry,rs,conn)
    Dim i,sSql,sTablesAry,sJnFldsAry,bJoinAry,sJoinDisplay
    ReDim sTablesAry(UBound(sFldLstAry))
    ReDim sJnFldsAry(UBound(sFldLstAry))
    ReDim bJoinAry(UBound(sFldLstAry))
    For i = 0 To UBound(sFldLstAry)
    sSql = "SELECT OBJECT_NAME(rkeyid),COL_NAME(rkeyid,rkey1)"
    sSql = sSql &" FROM sysreferences"
    sSql = sSql &" WHERE fkeyid = OBJECT_ID('"& sTable &"') "
    sSql = sSql &" AND col_name(fkeyid,fkey1) = '"& Trim(sFldLstAry(i)) &"'"
    rs.open sSql,conn
    If Not rs.eof Then
    sTablesAry(i) = rs(0)
    sJnFldsAry(i) = rs(1)
    End If
    If UBound(sFldLstAry) >= 0 Then
    For i = 0 To UBound(sFldLstAry)
    If sTablesAry(i) <> "" Then
    bJoinAry(i) = True
    bJoinAry(i) = False
    End If
    If i <> UBound(sFldLstAry) Then sSql = sSql &" +' - '+ "
    sSql = "FROM "& sTable
    For i = 0 To UBound(sFldLstAry)
    If bJoinAry(i) Then sSql = sSql &" LEFT JOIN "& sTablesAry(i) &" ON "& sTable &"."& sFldLstAry(i) &"
= "& sTablesAry(i) &"."& sJnFldsAry(i)
    End If
    buildJoinStatment = sSql
    End Function
    '     ----------------------------------------
    Function buildQuery(ByRef asFieldAry, ByVal asKeyWords)
     ' To find fields that may have a word in them
     ' OR roger
     ' | roger
     ' roger
     ' To find fields that must match a word
     ' AND roger
     ' + roger
     ' & roger
     ' To find fields that must Not match a word
     ' Not roger
     ' - roger
     ' Also use phrases
     ' +"rogers dog" -cat
     ' +(rogers dog)
     Dim loRegExp
     Dim loRequiredWords
     Dim loUnwantedWords
     Dim loOptionalWords
     Dim lsSQL
     Dim lnIndex
     Dim lsKeyword
     Set loRegExp = New RegExp
     loRegExp.Global = True
     loRegExp.IgnoreCase = True
     loRegExp.Pattern = "((AND|[+&])\s*[\(\[\{""].*[\)\]\}""])|((AND\s|[+&])\s*\b[-\w']+\b)"
     Set loRequiredWords = loRegExp.Execute(asKeywords)
     asKeywords = loRegExp.Replace(asKeywords, "")
     loRegExp.Pattern = "(((NOT|[-])\s*)?[\(\[\{""].*[\)\]\}""])|(((NOT\s+|[-])\s*)\b[-\w']+\b)"
     Set loUnwantedWords = loRegExp.Execute(asKeywords)
     asKeywords = loRegExp.Replace(asKeywords, "")
     loRegExp.Pattern = "(((OR|[|])\s*)?[\(\[\{""].*[\)\]\}""])|(((OR\s+|[|])\s*)?\b[-\w']+\b)"
     Set loOptionalWords = loRegExp.Execute(asKeywords)
     asKeywords = loRegExp.Replace(asKeywords, "")
     If Not loRequiredWords.Count = 0 Then
     lsSQL = lsSQL & "("
     For lnIndex = 0 To loRequiredWords.Count - 1
     lsKeyword = loRequiredWords.Item(lnIndex).Value
     loRegExp.Pattern = "^(AND|[+&])\s*"
     lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")
     loRegExp.Pattern = "[()""\[\]{}]"
     lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")
     lsKeyword = Replace(lsKeyword, "'", "''")
     If Not lnIndex = 0 Then
     lsSQL = lsSQL & " AND "
       End If
     lsSQL = lsSQL & "(" & Join(asFieldAry, " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%' OR ")
& " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%')"
     lsSQL = lsSQL & ")"
     End If
     If Not loOptionalWords.Count = 0 Then
     If lsSQL = "" Then
     lsSQL = lsSQL & "("
     lsSQL = lsSQL & " AND ("
     End If
     For lnIndex = 0 To loOptionalWords.Count - 1
     lsKeyword = loOptionalWords.Item(lnIndex).Value
     loRegExp.Pattern = "^(OR|[|])\s*"
     lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")
     loRegExp.Pattern = "[()""\[\]{}]"
     lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")
     lsKeyword = Replace(lsKeyword, "'", "''")
     If Not lnIndex = 0 Then
     lsSQL = lsSQL & " OR "
     End If
     lsSQL = lsSQL & "(" & Join(asFieldAry, " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%' OR ")
& " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%')"
     lsSQL = lsSQL & ")"
     End If
     If Not loUnwantedWords.Count = 0 Then
     If lsSQL = "" Then
     lsSQL = lsSQL & "NOT ("
     lsSQL = lsSQL & " AND Not ("
     End If
     For lnIndex = 0 To loUnwantedWords.Count - 1
     lsKeyword = loUnWantedWords.Item(lnIndex).Value
     loRegExp.Pattern = "^(NOT|[-])\s*"
     lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")
     loRegExp.Pattern = "[()""\[\]{}]"
     lsKeyword = loRegExp.Replace(lsKeyword, "")
     lsKeyword = Replace(lsKeyword, "'", "''")
     If Not lnIndex = 0 Then
     lsSQL = lsSQL & " OR "
     End If
     lsSQL = lsSQL & "(" & Join(asFieldAry, " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%' OR ")
& " LIKE '%" & lsKeyword & "%')"
     lsSQL = lsSQL & ")"
     End If
     If Not lsSQL = "" Then lsSQL = "(" & lsSQL & ")"
     buildQuery = lsSQL
    End Function
    '     ----------------------------------------

时间: 2024-10-11 23:31:26



程序|分页|关键字|数据|数据库|显示 . 阿余经常写一些数据库相关的程序,当然离不开显示库中的数据了,说实话,做这样的程序真是无聊啊,所以,阿余就想写个函数,一个通用的数据库显示函数.要求如下: 1. 能显示指定的字段,当然,字段名和显示的文字可以不一样.2. 能同时按多个字段进行查询,支持模糊和精确两种查询方式.3. 有横向排列和纵向排列字段两种显示方式.4. 能自动分页.5. 能设定每页显示多少条记录.好啦,要求大至就是这样了.根据这个要求,阿余写了下面的函数.实际上,这里阿余写了两个函数


程序|数据|数据库|显示 阿余经常写一些数据库相关的程序,当然离不开显示库中的数据了,说实话,做这样的程序真是无聊啊,所以,阿余就想写个函数,一个通用的数据库显示函数.要求如下: 1. 能显示指定的字段,当然,字段名和显示的文字可以不一样.2. 能同时按多个字段进行查询,支持模糊和精确两种查询方式.3. 有横向排列和纵向排列字段两种显示方式.4. 能自动分页.5. 能设定每页显示多少条记录.好啦,要求大至就是这样了.根据这个要求,阿余写了下面的函数.实际上,这里阿余写了两个函数.一个是TABDI


5.4一个编程的例子 回到上一章当中提到的来自卡内基梅隆大学的汽车MPG数据集,该数据集的格式如下: 下面试图基于气缸的数目.排水量(立方英寸).功率.重量和加速时间预测汽车的MPG.我将所有392个实例放到mpgData.txt文件中,然后编写了如下的短Python程序,该程序利用分层采样方法将数据分到10个桶中(数据集及Python代码都可以从网站guidetodatamining.com下载). import random def buckets(filename, bucketName,


HBase是 Hadoop中的一个简单数据库.它与Google的Bigtable特别相似,但也存在许多的不同之处. 数据模型 HBase数据库使用了和 Bigtable非常相似的数据模型.用户在表格里存储许多数据行.每个数据行都包括一个可排序的关键字,和任意数目的列.表格是稀疏的,所以同一个表格 里的行可能有非常不同的列,只要用户喜欢这样做. 列 名是"<族 名>:<标签>"形式,其中<族名>和<标签>可以是任意字符串.一个表格的<


在过去的一年里,你是不是很沮丧,对于所有的使用Objective-C开发iPhone程序的开发者而言,日子都不那么好过,你是不是为了学习开发iPhone应用程序曾经硬着头皮去读着那生涩难懂的学习教程,事实是Objective-C是一门类似C语言的语言,这也就绝定了它不是那么容易学习. 我不是劝你去放弃学习Objective-C,因为世上无难事,只怕有心人.但是条条大路通罗马,也许你转换下思路你可以用另一种方法达到相同的目的. 你可以制作一个原生的iPhone应用程序去模仿其他的程序,多半上它也许

SQL Server数据库对于应用程序的关系

以下的文章主要是介绍SQL Server数据库与其实际应用元数据,我前两天在相关网站看见SQL Server数据库与其实际应用元数据的资料,觉得挺好,就拿出来供大家分享,希望会给大家带来一些帮助在此方面. 我常被问到如何把驻留在物理服务器/SQL 实例上的SQL Server数据库转变为它们相应的应用程序名称.在准备计划好的服务器停机通知时,这种需要就产生了,但在我的组织内与IT经理或非技术人员沟通时,这也是有价值的.如果你不是数据 我常被问到如何把驻留在物理服务器/SQL 实例上的数据库转变为

InnoDB 中文参考手册 --- 3 建立一个 InnoDB 数据库

参考|参考手册|数据|数据库|中文 InnoDB 中文参考手册 --- 犬犬(心帆)翻译 3 建立一个 InnoDB 数据库假设你已经安装了 MySQL 并且已经修改了 my.cnf 包含了必要的 InnoDB 参数设置 .在启动 MySQL 之前必须检查为InnoDB 指定的数据与日志文件路径是否存在以及在 这些目录上有足够的权限.InnoDB 不会自己建立目录,只能建立文件.同时检查是否有足够的磁盘空间存放数据与日志文件. 当创建一个 InnoDB 数据库时最好以命令行方式来运行 MySQL


server|sqlserver|编译|数据|数据库|微软 using System;using System.Drawing;using System.Collections;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Windows.Forms; namespace MSDNOUT{ /// <summary> /// 反编译微软MSDN2003文档并保存到数据库的程序主窗体 /// </summary> public class dlgM

API入门系列之四 -一个相当简单的SDK程序

大家好,还是我beyondcode,再次见面,前面介绍的那么多'理论知识',你们都懂了吗? 就 算还没有彻底领悟,但至少还是有那么一点意识了吧,知道有那么一回事了吧.这一篇我打算通过一个 小小小例子,来回忆一下我们以前介绍的相关知识,如Windows的数据类型,特别是和字符和字符串操作 相关的数据类型,还有就是Unicode和ASCII在API函数上的具体体现. 另外,SDK编程交流群已经 建立,很多朋友踊跃参加,系列文章和群的发展离不开你们.群号:81543028. Ok,我们正式开 始,我打