

<script language="VB" runat=server>
   Sub ChartBtn_Click(Sender as Object, E as EventArgs)
      chart.ImageUrl = "ImageGenerator_Vb.aspx?"
      chart.Visible = true
      For i=0 to Stocks.Items.Count-1
         If (Stocks.Items(i).Selected = true) Then
             chart.ImageUrl = chart.ImageUrl & "symbols=" & Stocks.Items(i).Value & "&"
         End If
   End Sub
      <form runat=server>
         <h1>Scott's Stock Picker</h1>
         <asp:checkboxlist id="Stocks" runat=server>
         <asp:button text="Chart Your Selected Stocks" OnClick="ChartBtn_Click" runat=server/>
         <asp:Image id="chart" ImageUrl="" Visible=false runat=server/>

<%@ Page Language="VB" ContentType="image/jpeg" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing.Drawing2D" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Drawing.Imaging" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="ChartGenerator" %>
<%@ OutputCache Duration="10" %>
<script language="VB" runat=server>
    Function GetStockDetails(Symbol as String) as ChartLine
        Dim myChartLine as new ChartLine
        if (symbol = "msft") then
            Dim StockValues() as Single = { 60, 110, 120, 180, 185, 190, 240, 290 }
            myChartLine.Width = 5
            myChartLine.Color = Color.Blue
            myChartLine.LineStyle = DashStyle.Solid
            myChartLine.Title = "Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)"
            myChartLine.Symbol = "MSFT"
            myChartLine.Values = StockValues
            return myChartLine
        elseif (symbol = "sun") then
            Dim StockValues() as Single = { 180, 155, 125, 60, 25, 15, 10, 3 }
            myChartLine.Width = 5
            myChartLine.Color = Color.Red
            myChartLine.LineStyle = DashStyle.Dot
            myChartLine.Title = "Sun Corp. (Sun)"
            myChartLine.Symbol = "Sun"
            myChartLine.Values = StockValues
            return myChartLine
        end if
        return nothing
    End Function
    Sub Page_Load(Sender as Object, E as EventArgs)
        ' Generate Chart Data For Image....
        Dim XAxes() as String = { "9:00AM", "9:30AM", "10:00AM", "11:00AM", "12:00AM", "1:00PM", "1:30PM" }
        Dim MyChartData as New ChartData
        MyChartData.YTickSize = 20
        MyChartData.YMax = 250
        MyChartData.YMin = 0
        MyChartData.XAxisTitles = XAxes
        Dim Symbols() as String = Request.QueryString.GetValues("symbols")
        if (Not Symbols = Nothing) then
           for i=0 to Symbols.Length-1
              Dim stockValue as ChartLine = GetStockDetails(symbols(i).ToLower)
              If (stockValue <> nothing) then
              End if
        end if
        ' Create In-Memory BitMap of JPEG
        Dim MyChartEngine as New ChartEngine
        Dim StockBitMap as BitMap = MyChartEngine.DrawChart(600, 400, myChartData)
        ' Render BitMap Stream Back To Client
        StockBitMap.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.JPEG)
     End Sub

using System.WinForms;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Bases;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace ChartGenerator  {
    //Core Line Data structure
    public struct LineData {
        public float[] LineValues  ;
        public string LineTitle ;
        public string LineSymbol ;

    //Line Data plus display style information
    public class ChartLine {
        private Color lineColor ;
        private LineData lineData ;
        private DashStyle lineStyle ;
        private int lineWidth  ;
        public ChartLine() :base() {}
        public ChartLine(LineData lineData) :base() {
            this.lineData = lineData;
        public Color Color {
            get { return lineColor ; }
            set { lineColor = value ; }
        public DashStyle LineStyle {
            get { return lineStyle ; }
            set { lineStyle = value ; }
        public string Symbol {
            get { return lineData.LineSymbol ; }
            set { lineData.LineSymbol = value ; }
        public string Title {
            get { return lineData.LineTitle ; }
            set { lineData.LineTitle = value ; }
        public float[] Values {
            get { return lineData.LineValues ; }
            set { lineData.LineValues = value ; }
        public int Width {
            get { return lineWidth ; }
            set { lineWidth = value ; }

        public void SetLineData(LineData lineData) {
            this.lineData = lineData;

    //Chart Data structure
    public class ChartData {
        private float yTickSize;
        private float yMax;
        private float yMin;
        private string[] xAxisTitles ;
        private ChartLineList lines = new ChartLineList();
        private Color gridColor=Color.Blue;
        private bool showHGridLines=true;
        private bool showVGridLines=true;
        public float YTickSize {
            get { return yTickSize ; }
            set { yTickSize = value ; }
        public float YMax {
            get { return yMax ; }
            set { yMax = value ; }

        public float YMin {
            get { return yMin ; }
            set { yMin = value ; }
        public string[] XAxisTitles {
            get { return xAxisTitles ; }
            set { xAxisTitles = value ; }
        public ChartLineList Lines {
            get { return lines ; }
            set { lines = value ; }
        public Color GridColor {
            get { return gridColor ; }
            set { gridColor = value ; }
        public bool ShowHGridLines {
            get { return showHGridLines ; }
            set { showHGridLines = value ; }
        public bool ShowVGridLines {
            get { return showVGridLines ; }
            set { showVGridLines = value ; }
        //Collection of Chart Lines
        public class ChartLineList : TypedCollectionBase {
            public ChartLine this[int index] {
               get {
                   return (ChartLine)(List[index]);
               set {
                   List[index] = value;
            public int Add(ChartLine value) {
               return List.Add(value);
            public void Insert(int index, ChartLine value) {
               List.Insert(index, value);
            public int IndexOf(ChartLine value) {
               return List.IndexOf(value);
            public bool Contains(ChartLine value) {
               return List.Contains(value);
            public void Remove(ChartLine value) {
            public void CopyTo(ChartLine[] array, int index) {
               List.CopyTo(array, index);

    //Charting Engine - draws a chart based on the given ChartData
    public class ChartEngine {
        private ChartData chartData ;
        private float left;
        private float right;
        private float top;
        private float bottom;
        private float tickCount;
        private float yCount;   
        private float hspacing;
        private float vspacing;
        private Graphics g;
        private Rectangle r;
        private Color backColor;
        private Color foreColor;
        private Font baseFont;
        private Font legendFont;
        private RectangleF legendRect;
        public ChartEngine() {
        public Bitmap DrawChart(int width, int height, ChartData chartData) {
           Bitmap newBitmap = new Bitmap(width,height,PixelFormat.Format32bppARGB);
           Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(newBitmap);
           Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
           Color myForeColor = Color.Black;
           Color myBackColor = Color.White;
           Font myFont = new Font("Arial", 10);
           this.DrawChart(g, r, myBackColor, myForeColor, myFont, chartData);
           return newBitmap;
         public void DrawChart(Graphics g, Rectangle r, Color backColor, Color foreColor, Font baseFont, ChartData chartData) {
            this.chartData = chartData;
            this.g = g;
            this.r = r;
            this.backColor = backColor;
            this.foreColor = foreColor;
            this.baseFont = baseFont;
            this.legendFont = new Font(baseFont.FontFamily, (baseFont.Size * 2/3), baseFont.Style | FontStyle.Bold);
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            InternalDrawChart() ;

        private void CalculateChartDimensions() {
            right = r.Width - 5;
            top = 5 * baseFont.Size ;
            bottom = r.Height - baseFont.Size * 2;
            tickCount = chartData.YMin ;
            yCount = (chartData.YMax-chartData.YMin) / chartData.YTickSize ;
            hspacing = (bottom-top) / yCount;
            vspacing = (right) / chartData.XAxisTitles.Length;
            //Left depends on width of text - for simplicities sake assume that largest yvalue is the biggest
            //Take into account the first X Axis title
            float maxYTextSize = g.MeasureString(chartData.YMax.ToString(), baseFont).Width;
            float firstXTitle = g.MeasureString(chartData.XAxisTitles[0], baseFont).Width;
            left = (maxYTextSize > firstXTitle) ? maxYTextSize : firstXTitle ;
            left = r.X + left + 5 ;
            //Calculate size of legend box
            float maxLegendWidth = 0 ;
            float maxLegendHeight = 0 ;
            //Work out size of biggest legend
            foreach (ChartLine cl in chartData.Lines) {
                float currentWidth = g.MeasureString(cl.Title, legendFont).Width;
                float currentHeight = g.MeasureString(cl.Title, legendFont).Height;
                maxLegendWidth = (maxLegendWidth > currentWidth) ? maxLegendWidth : currentWidth ;
                maxLegendHeight = (maxLegendHeight > currentHeight) ? maxLegendHeight : currentHeight ;
            legendRect = new RectangleF(r.X+2, r.Y+2, maxLegendWidth + 25 + 5, ((maxLegendHeight+2)*chartData.Lines.Count) + 3) ;
        private void DrawBackground() {
            LinearGradientBrush b = new LinearGradientBrush(r, Color.SteelBlue, backColor,LinearGradientMode.Horizontal);
            g.FillRectangle(b, r);
        private void InternalDrawChart() {
             DrawGrid() ;
            foreach (ChartLine cl in chartData.Lines) {
            DrawLegend() ;
            //Draw time on chart
            string timeString = "Generated:" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() ;
            SizeF textsize = g.MeasureString(timeString,baseFont);
            g.DrawString(timeString, baseFont, new SolidBrush(foreColor), r.Width - textsize.Width - 5, textsize.Height * 2 / 3) ;
        private  void DrawGrid() {
            Pen gridPen = new Pen(chartData.GridColor) ;

            //Vertical - include tick desc's
            if (chartData.ShowVGridLines) {
                for (int i = 0 ; (vspacing * i) < right; i++) {
                    float x = left + (vspacing *i);           
                    string desc = chartData.XAxisTitles[i];
                    g.DrawLine(gridPen, x,top,x,bottom +(baseFont.Size*1/3));
                    SizeF textsize = g.MeasureString(desc,baseFont);
                    g.DrawString(desc, baseFont, new SolidBrush(chartData.GridColor), x-(textsize.Width/2), bottom + (baseFont.Size*2/3)) ;
            if (chartData.ShowHGridLines) {
                for (float i = bottom ; i > top; i-=hspacing) {
                    string desc = tickCount.ToString();
                    g.DrawLine(gridPen, right, i, left-3, i);
                    SizeF textsize = g.MeasureString(desc,baseFont);
                    g.DrawString(desc, baseFont, new SolidBrush(chartData.GridColor), left-textsize.Width - 3, i - (textsize.Height/2)) ;
        private void DrawLine(ChartLine chartLine) {
            Pen linePen = new Pen(chartLine.Color);
            linePen.StartCap = LineCap.Round;
            linePen.EndCap = LineCap.Round;
            linePen.Width = chartLine.Width ;
            linePen.DashStyle = chartLine.LineStyle;
            PointF[] Values = new PointF[chartLine.Values.Length];
            float scale = hspacing / chartData.YTickSize ;
            for (int i = 0 ; i < chartLine.Values.Length; i++) {
                float x = left + vspacing * i;           
                Values[i] = new PointF(x, bottom-chartLine.Values[i]*scale);
            g.DrawLines(linePen, Values);
         private void DrawLegend() {
            //Draw Legend Box
            ControlPaint.DrawBorder(g, (Rectangle)legendRect, SystemColors.WindowFrame, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid);
            LinearGradientBrush b = new LinearGradientBrush(legendRect, backColor, Color.SteelBlue, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal);
            r.Inflate(-1, -1);
            g.FillRectangle(b, legendRect);
            float startY = 5;
            foreach (ChartLine cl in chartData.Lines) {
                Pen p = new Pen(cl.Color) ;
                p.Width = p.Width*4;
                SizeF textsize = g.MeasureString(cl.Title, legendFont);
                float lineY = startY + textsize.Height / 2 ;
                g.DrawLine(p, r.X + 7, lineY, r.X + 25, lineY);
                g.DrawString(cl.Title, legendFont, new SolidBrush(foreColor), r.X + 30, startY);
                startY += (textsize.Height+2);

时间: 2025-01-29 10:33:48



asp.net|动态 Dynamic Image Generation with ASP.NET Scott GuthrieJanuary 14, 2001 Level: Beginner/Intermediate One of the neat features that you can now leverage with .NET is the ability to easily generate dynamic images from code, which you can then ei


asp.net|动态|生成html|页面 此功能适用于后台数据库功能不强的web站点,即大部分文本不是存放在数据库的记录中,而是放在html文件或者xml文件中,仅仅把索引放到数据库中,如文章标题.类别.查询关键字等.这样适合于后台没有诸如MS Sql Server这样的数据库支持的Web站点. 适用于新闻发布系统,比如sina.163等都是采用动态生成html页面的. 适用于需动态定制页面的程序.比如论坛.聊天室等.可以加载定制好的html页面,来加强美观. 思路 1. 利用如Dw-Mx这样的

asp.net动态生成控件-asp.net 动态生成checkboxlist的问题

问题描述 asp.net 动态生成checkboxlist的问题 从数据库随机取一些记录动态生成多个checkboxlist,怎么把用户选择的结果保存?好像一点提交,checkboxlist就重新生成了,由于每个checkboxlist的item数量不一样,得到的结果总是出错. 解决方案 便利checkboxlist,用逗号拼接,存入数据库字段 解决方案二: ASP.NET动态生成HTML页面Asp.Net 中 动态生成 Excel 解决方案三: 遍历没问题,可是已提交页面要刷新,checkbo


问题描述 刚学习C#,ASP.NET,老大让我用ASP.NET动态生成word文档,对于这个我不是太懂,有人可以告诉我应该怎么做么,最好有个程序例子.谢谢了~~~~ 解决方案 解决方案二:首先要添加引用:1.添加引用->COM->MicrosoftWord11.0ObjectLibrary2.在.cs文件中添加usingWord;代码如下:publicstringCreateWordFile(stringCheckedInfo){stringmessage="";try{O


问题描述 asp.net动态生成表格,表格某列有不一样的控件,或Textbox,或Dropdownlist,现在生成后,如何在控件里输入值,然后插入到数据库中,同时因为表格行列不固定,数据库怎么设计 解决方案 解决方案二:行列不固定,可以用稀疏矩阵的方法表示.解决方案三:该回复于2012-03-21 09:02:34被版主删除解决方案四:该回复于2012-03-21 09:02:35被版主删除解决方案五:像LZ这样需要动态生成的效果的话建议还是直接在后台拼接html代码比较方法,如果需要text


要动态生成图像必需先把记录转为图像处理所需的格式,以下是处理类 复制代码 代码如下: package emtit.utils { import mx.charts.CategoryAxis; import mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries; import mx.charts.series.PieSeries; import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; /** * author:黄建文 * data:2008-12-03 * 图形数据转


问题描述 asp.net动态生成竖向流程图片 解决方案 解决方案二:虽然你表达不清楚虽然你字数精简虽然你有太多的太多我只能说..flash和SL貌似可以实现你的需求解决方案三:什么意思能不能不太明白,能不能帮个忙做个demo给小弟参考一下

Asp.Net 动态生成验证码

asp.net|动态|验证码 我们在设计用户登录模块时,经常会用到验证码,可以有效地防止黑客软件的恶意破解,现公开我常用的验证码的源代码. 使用方法: 1.在Web项目中添加一个类,如"CreateImage.cs",然后将我公布的源代码Copy进去: 2.再新建一个Web窗体,如"Image.aspx",在Page_Load中加入代码"CreateImage.DrawImage ();"当然别忘了加上对类的引用哦!! 3.在页面的合适位置上(你


此功能适用于后台数据库功能不强的web站点,即大部分文本不是存放在数据库的记录中,而是放在html文件或者xml文件中,仅仅把索引放到数据库中,如文章标题.类别.查询关键字等.这样适合于后台没有诸如MS Sql Server这样的数据库支持的Web站点. 适用于新闻发布系统,比如sina.163等都是采用动态生成html页面的. 适用于需动态定制页面的程序.比如论坛.聊天室等.可以加载定制好的html页面,来加强美观. 思路 1. 利用如Dw-Mx这样的工具生成html格式的模板,在需要添加格式