问题描述: 在使用PHP和JAVA操作XML-RPC的时候,如果request中包含中文字符,会被自动编码成如下样式:
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PHP下的解决方法: 起初以为是中文字符的编码问题,所以我就尝试用各种编码方式来编码中文字符,然后交给string xmlrpc_encode_request ( string method, mixed params)函数来生成XML格式的请求,可是依然如故。百思不得其界。便操其Google 一通神搜,也没找到解决办法,后来我找到了http://xmlrpc-epi.sourceforge.net/这个网站。才知道,原来PHP文档里给的xmlrpc_encode_request ( string method, mixed params)函数少了一个可选参数!!!!正确的应该是这样的:string xmlrpc_encode_request(string method, mixed params [, array output_options])!!output_options的结构如下:
$output_options = array( "output_type" => "xml", "verbosity" => "pretty", "escaping" => array("markup", "non-ascii", "non-print"), "version" => "xmlrpc", "encoding" => "utf-8" );or
$output_options = array("output_type" => "php");
output_type: return data as either php native data types or xml encoded. ifphp is used, then the other values are ignored. default = xmlverbosity: determine compactness of generated xml. options are no_white_space, newlines_only, and pretty. default = prettyescaping: determine how/whether to escape certain characters. 1 or more values are allowed. If multiple, they need to be specified as a sub-array. options are: cdata, non-ascii, non-print, and markup.default = non-ascii, non-print, markupversion: version of xml vocabulary to use. currently, three are supported: xmlrpc, soap 1.1, and simple. The keyword auto is also recognized to mean respond in whichever version the request came in. default = auto (when applicable), xmlrpcencoding: the encoding that the data is in. Since PHP defaults to iso-8859-1 you will usually want to use that. Change it if you know what you are doing. default=iso-8859-1
经过测试关键是在"escaping" => array("markup")这个值上,将第三个参数传入如下值就可以解决问题了:
$output_options = array( "output_type" => "xml", "verbosity" => "pretty", "escaping" => array("markup"), "version" => "xmlrpc", "encoding" => "utf-8" );
Apache JAVA XML-RPC的解决方法
找遍了Apache提供的API好像也没有找到类似PHP那样的第三个参数,实在无奈发现他提供了一个Base64的类,我便只好将所有的中文字符在Client端用 Base64编码,然后request到Server上,然后在Server端在用Base64解码,哈哈~~~问题也能解决!不过不知道还有没别的更好的办法了?
谁有更好的解决方法请和我联系: QQ:3470431 MSN:imdishui@hotmail.com Email:wangsg@asiainfo.com