
//  IIIIIII SSSSSS                                                            
//    II    SS                          InstallShield (R)                    
//    II    SSSSSS      (c) 1996-1999, InstallShield Software Corporation    
//    II        SS      (c) 1990-1996, InstallShield Corporation              
//  IIIIIII SSSSSS                    All Rights Reserved.                  
//  This code is generated as a starting setup template.  You should  
//  modify it to provide all necessary steps for your setup.
//    File Name:  Setup.rul                                                  
//  Description:  InstallShield script                                        
//    Comments:  This template script performs a basic setup. With minor          
//                modifications, this template can be adapted to create      
//                new, customized setups.

// Include header files
    #include "ifx.h" //DO NOT REMOVE
////////////////////// string defines ////////////////////////////

//////////////////// installation declarations ///////////////////

// ----- DLL function prototypes -----

    // your DLL function prototypes

// ---- script function prototypes -----

    // your script function prototypes

    // your global variables

//  FUNCTION:  OnFirstUIBefore                                            
//  EVENT:      FirstUIBefore event is sent when installation is run for the first
//              time on given machine. In the handler installation usually displays
//              UI allowing end user to specify installation parameters. After this
//              function returns, ComponentTransferData is called to perform file
//              transfer.
function OnFirstUIBefore()
    NUMBER  nResult,nSetupType;
    STRING  szTitle, szMsg;
    STRING  szLicenseFile, szQuestion;
    STRING  svName, svCompany, svSerial;
    STRING  szDir;
    STRING  szfolder;
    STRING  szComponents, szTargetdir;
    NUMBER  nLevel;


    //To Do: if you want to enable background, window title, and caption bar title                                                                    
    // SetTitle( @TITLE_MAIN, 24, WHITE );                                        
    // SetTitle( @TITLE_CAPTIONBAR, 0, BACKGROUNDCAPTION );                   
    // Enable( FULLWINDOWMODE );   
    // Enable( BACKGROUND );   
    // SetColor(BACKGROUND,RGB (0, 128, 128));   
    TARGETDIR = "C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\WebApp";
    szDir = TARGETDIR;
    svName    = "Daniel";
    svCompany = "N/A";
    svSerial = "111-1111111";

    // beginning of dialogs label

    szTitle = "";
    szMsg  = "";
    nResult = SdWelcome( szTitle, szMsg );
    if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_Start;

    szLicenseFile = SUPPORTDIR ^ "license.txt";
    szTitle    = "";
    szMsg      = "";
    szQuestion = "";
    nResult    = SdLicense( szTitle, szMsg, szQuestion, szLicenseFile );
    if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdWelcome;

    szMsg  = "";
    szTitle = "";
    nResult = SdRegisterUserEx( szTitle, szMsg, svName, svCompany, svSerial );
    if (svSerial !="111-1111111") then
    MessageBox ("InValid Serial!",WARNING);
    goto Dlg_SdRegisterUserEx;
    if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdLicense;

    szTitle = "";
    szMsg  = "";
    nResult = SdAskDestPath( szTitle, szMsg, szDir, 0 );
    TARGETDIR = szDir;
    if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdRegisterUserEx;

    if ((nResult = BACK) && (nSetupType != CUSTOM)) goto Dlg_SdAskDestPath;
    szTitle    = "";
    szMsg      = "";
    szTargetdir = TARGETDIR;
    szComponents = "";
    nLevel = 2;
    if (nSetupType = CUSTOM) then
nResult = SdComponentTree(szTitle, szMsg, szTargetdir, szComponents, nLevel);
if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdAskDestPath;  

    szfolder = SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER;
    szTitle    = "";
    szMsg      = "";
    nResult    = SdSelectFolder( szTitle, szMsg, szfolder );
    SHELL_OBJECT_FOLDER = szfolder;
    if (nResult = BACK) goto Dlg_SdComponentTree;
    // setup default status
    SetStatusWindow(0, "");
    StatusUpdate(ON, 100);

    return 0;


时间: 2024-07-30 14:58:10



installshield|程序 我现在在做ASP的安装程序,这样可以方便用户的使用.我使用的InstallShield版本是InstallShield Professional-Standard Edition6.3.我没有用过这个东东,问题如下: 问题一 通过Project Wizard-generated script 做好了COPY打包工作.可是6.3版本的好象不支持主体Program...Endprogram,因为我看COPY打包的Script脚本就是通过两个Fuction实现的.所以


我现在在做ASP的安装程序,这样可以方便用户的使用.我使用的InstallShield版本是InstallShield Professional-Standard Edition6.3.  我没有用过这个东东,问题如下: 问题一   通过Project Wizard-generated script 做好了COPY打包工作.可是6.3版本的好象不支持主体Program...Endprogram,因为我看COPY打包的Script脚本就是通过两个Fuction实现的.所以我的脚本加不进去,除非在这


installshield|程序 我现在在做ASP的安装程序,这样可以方便用户的使用.我使用的InstallShield版本是InstallShield Professional-Standard Edition6.3.  我没有用过这个东东,问题如下: 问题一   通过Project Wizard-generated script 做好了COPY打包工作.可是6.3版本的好象不支持主体Program...Endprogram,因为我看COPY打包的Script脚本就是通过两个Fuction实现


installshield|程序 我现在在做ASP的安装程序,这样可以方便用户的使用.我使用的InstallShield版本是InstallShield Professional-Standard Edition6.3.我没有用过这个东东,问题如下: 问题一 通过Project Wizard-generated script 做好了COPY打包工作.可是6.3版本的好象不支持主体Program...Endprogram,因为我看COPY打包的Script脚本就是通过两个Fuction实现的.所以


installshield|程序 6.3版好象是用事件驱动的://////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 函数: OnFirstUIBefore // // 事件: FirstUIBefore event is sent when installation is run for the first// time on given machine. In the handle


installshield|程序 下面是建立WEB文件和设置的例子需VBS文件(有虚拟目录设置,但没有权限设置). ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IIIIIII SSSSSS // II SS InstallShield (R) // II SSSSSS (c) 1996-1999, InstallShield Software Corporation /

看人家用使用InstallShield制作ASP安装程序 (续)

installshield|程序 6.3版好象是用事件驱动的://////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 函数: OnFirstUIBefore // // 事件: FirstUIBefore event is sent when installation is run for the first// time on given machine. In the handle


installshield|程序 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FUNCTION: OnMaintUIAfter//// EVENT: MaintUIAfter event is sent after file transfer, when end user runs // installation that has already been installe


installshield|程序 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IIIIIII SSSSSS // II SS InstallShield (R) // II SSSSSS (c) 1996-1999, InstallShield Software Corporation // II SS (c) 1990-1996, InstallShield Corp


下面是建立WEB文件和设置的例子需VBS文件(有虚拟目录设置,但没有权限设置). ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IIIIIII SSSSSS // II SS InstallShield (R) // II SSSSSS (c) 1996-1999, InstallShield Software Corporation // II SS (c) 1990-