error-mysql_upgrade 升级错误


mysql_upgrade 升级错误
[root@iptst~]# mysql_upgrade -uadmin -p
Enter password:
Looking for 'mysql' as: mysql
Looking for 'mysqlcheck' as: mysqlcheck
FATAL ERROR: Upgrade failed


FATAL ERROR: Upgrade failed

mysql_upgrade -u root -p 检查是否用root账号进行的操作

mysql_upgrade -u root -p 检查是否用root账号进行的操作

Just add the configuration line to your my.cnf At the end add

[mysqlcheck] socket = /dbabcstorage/data/mysql5/mysql.sock

the correct value you can copy in the previous lines of my.cnf

时间: 2025-01-03 04:03:34

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