J2EE deployment files(application-client.xml)


The application-client element is the root element of an application client deployment descriptor. The application client deployment descriptor describes the EJB components and external resources referenced by the application client.

The icon element contains a small-icon and large-icon element which specify the URIs for a small and a large GIF or JPEG icon image used to represent the application client in a GUI tool.

The small-icon element contains the name of a file containing a small (16 x 16) icon image. The file name is a relative path within the application-client jar file. The image must be either in the JPEG or GIF format, and the file name must end with the suffix ".jpg" or ".gif" respectively. The icon can be used by tools.

The large-icon element contains the name of a file containing a large (32 x 32) icon image. The file name is a relative path within the application-client jar file. The image must be either in the JPEG or GIF format, and the file name must end with the suffix ".jpg" or ".gif" respectively. The icon can be used by tools.

<display-name>The name</display-name>
The display-name element contains a short name that is intended to be displayed by tools.

<description>The description.</description>
A short description.

The env-entry element contains the declaration of an enterprise bean's environment entries. The declaration consists of an optional description, the name of the environment entry, and an optional value.

<description>The description.</description>
A short description.

The env-entry-name element contains the name of an enterprise bean's environment entry.

The env-entry-type element contains the fully-qualified Java type of the environment entry value that is expected by the enterprise bean's code. The following are the legal values of env-entry-type: java.lang.Boolean, java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double, java.lang.Byte, java.lang.Short, java.lang.Long, and java.lang.Float.

The env-entry-value element contains the value of an enterprise bean's environment entry.

The ejb-ref element is used for the declaration of a reference to an enterprise bean's home. The declaration consists of an optional description; the EJB reference name used in the code of the referencing application client; the expected type of the referenced enterprise bean; the expected home and remote interfaces of the referenced enterprise bean; and an optional ejb-link information. The optional ejb-link element is used to specify the referenced enterprise bean.

<description>The description.</description>
A short description.

The ejb-ref-name element contains the name of an EJB reference. The EJB reference is an entry in the enterprise bean's environment. It is recommended that name is prefixed with "ejb/".

The ejb-ref-type element contains the expected type of the referenced enterprise bean. The ejb-ref-type element must be one of the following: Entity Session

The home element contains the fully-qualified name of the enterprise bean's home interface.

The remote element contains the fully-qualified name of the enterprise bean's remote interface.

The ejb-link element is used in the ejb-ref element to specify that an EJB reference is linked to an enterprise bean in the encompassing J2EE Application package. The value of the ejb-link element must be the ejb-name of an enterprise bean in the same J2EE Application package.

The resource-ref element contains a declaration of enterprise bean's reference to an external resource. It consists of an optional description, the resource factory reference name, the indication of the resource factory type expected by the enterprise bean code, and the type of authentication (bean or container).

<description>The description.</description>
A short description.

The res-ref-name element specifies the name of a resource factory reference.

The res-type element specifies the type of the data source. The type is specified by the Java interface (or class) expected to be implemented by the data source.

The res-auth element specifies whether the enterprise bean code signs on programmatically to the resource manager, or whether the Container will sign on to the resource manager on behalf of the bean. In the latter case, the Container uses information that is supplied by the Deployer. The value of this element must be one of the two following: Application or Container

时间: 2024-12-10 21:03:02

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