Java 中开源的CMS系统

InfoGlue is an advanced, scalable and robust content management / Portal platform written in 100% Java. It is suitable for a wide range of applications and organisations. Typical uses include public websites, portal solutions, intranets and extranets. The platform is released under the GPL-license and it can be run on almost any platform and most known databases.

Magnolia is the first open-source content-management-system (CMS) which has been built from scratch to support the upcoming standard API for java content repositories (JCR).

The ion project is an effort to provide a very simple but powerful content management system based on the most recents technologies. Ion is 100% compliant with J2EE standards, uses XML to define contents structures, XSL to provide rendered contents in many format (HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, ...), and JSP with JSTL as a template system.

OpenCms is a professional level Open Source Website Content Management System. OpenCms helps to create and manage complex websites easily without knowledge of html. An integrated WYSIWYG editor with a user interface similar to well known office applications helps the user creating the contents, while a sophisticated template engine enforces a site-wide corporate layout. As true Open Source software, OpenCms is completely free of licensing costs.

Jahia is a mid-range Content Management and Corporate Portal Framework. It integrates in one single package a full web application platform suite.

JBoss Nukes
Nukes on JBoss is a full fledged Content Management System (CMS) with advanced user/group management, security rules and pluggable components. Components can be deployed at runtime while the application is running. It is all written in JBoss

Java JSP based SiteEditor, CMS, list generator software. It Includes: Modules, XML config, Struts, own API, Components, WYSIWYG, multilanguage, multiuser, webbased manager.

MMBase is a Web Content Management System with strong multi media features. MMBase has a large installed base in The Netherlands, and is used by major Dutch broadcasters, publishers, educational institutes, national and local governments. MMBase is written in Java, it is Open Source Software (MPL) and all standards used are as 'open' as possible.

Apache Lenya
Apache Lenya is a Java-based Open-Source Content Management System. It is based on open standards such as XML and XSLT. One of its core components is Cocoon from the Apache Software Foundation.

RedHat CMS
Red Hat Enterprise Applications is an open-source suite of products that includes content management, portal, and web development software, all based on the J2EE standard.

Cofax is a web-based text and multimedia publication system. It was designed to simplify the presentation of newspapers on the Web and to expedite real-time Web publication.

Webman is a professional content management or website production system. It was used in more than forty big websites in germany.

webEditor is born with the intention to become a helpful tool for the web content management.

The Slide project main module is a content repository, which can be seen as a low-level content management framework. Conceptually, it provides a hierarchical organization of binary content which can be stored into arbitrary, heterogenous, distributed data stores. In addition, Slide integrates security, locking, versioning, as well as many other services. It can integrate and manage data stored within external repositories, requiring only small abstraction layers to be written for each repository. That way, Slide can integrate the data from various physical locations in a hierachical and unified way. Slide uses can range from managing intranet application content to using it as a file server. Slide also offers a WebDAV access module (implemented as a servlet). WebDAV is an IETF standard endorsed by companies like Microsoft, IBM, Novell, Adobe and many others. It makes Slide an ideal choice for web-based content management. All the data managed by Slide can be accessed through WebDAV, and enable remote administration and manipulation of the data managed by Slide using standard third party tools, along with the custom ones provided in the Slide distribution as additional tools.

时间: 2024-08-31 02:06:05

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10 个最受欢迎的 Java 开发的 CMS 系统

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