Beginner with c# 3

1。3 类型
c#支持两种基本的类型:一种是值(value types),一种是引用(reference types)。值包括简单类型
NGWS SDK开发包(82mb噢,够豪华了!俺的m啊--就这样烧喽)。房子里有你想要的东东,比如你想写一句
话(i dont like Hello world),就好像上面例子,要用到“WriteLine”。于是,你就给出“WriteLine”
的地址,比如:“Console.WriteLine”。明白?!俺可累了。zzz... (强打精神)不知道你想到没有,

1: using System;
2: class CValue
3: {
4: public int Value = 0;
5: }
6: class Test
7: {
8: static void Main() {
9: int val1 = 0;
10: int val2 = val1;
11: val2 = 123;
12: CValue ref1 = new CValue();
13: CValue ref2 = ref1;
14: ref2.Value = 123;
15: Console.WriteLine("Values: {0}, {1}", val1, val2);
16: Console.WriteLine("Refs: {0}, {1}", ref1.Value, ref2.Value);
17: }
18: }

/* 下面是输出的结果:
Values: 0, 123
Refs: 123, 123


时间: 2024-07-31 13:57:40

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Beginner with C#

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