Building Classes and
Assemblies with VB.NET
During the last three or so years, most VB developers have
spent a great percentage of their time building COM compo-nents.
These components are used as the middle-tier compo-nents
in n-tier systems. The benefits of building n-tier
applications are well known, and include:
• Code reuse
• Elimination of many or all distribution headaches
• Encapsulation of business logic to control business
processes and access to databases
Not surprisingly, VB.NET lets you build components, but
they are no longer COM components. COM components
have certain elements such as class IDs (s), type
libraries, and interface IDs (s). Each class in a COM com-ponent
has to support IUnknown and IDispatch .
VB.NET refers to one or more classes compiled into a file as
a class library, rather than a COM component. Class libraries
are compiled into an assembly, which often has a .DLL exten-sion.
You can use the classes from the class library much like
you would the classes from a COM component: You instanti-ate
the objects in the client application and then call proper-ties
and methods and respond to events. However, assemblies
are not COM components; instead, they are .NET assemblies.
Building Classes and Assemblies with VB.NET
Chapter 4 Building Classes and Assemblies with VB.NET
时间: 2024-10-27 13:41:42
Chapter 4 Building Classes and Assemblies with VB.NET的相关文章
给blood的礼物《A Programmers Introduction to Visual Basic.Net》
visual OverviewForeword viiiIntroduction 11 Why Should You Move to Visual Basic.NET? 32 Your First VB.NET Application 213 Major VB.NET Changes 494 Building Classes and Assemblies with VB.NET 735 Inheritance with VB.NET 916 Database Access with VB.NET
Table of Contents
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7.介绍 或者说 VB7 有许多和旧版本的Visual basic 一样的语法,但是在许多方面,它是一门全新的语言.和VB先前的版本不一样,VB7是完全的面向对象的,一些普通的操作的实现因为这个不同而出现一些区别.出于这种原因,与其将它当成一个编译器来编译你已经写好的程序,不如最好将VB.NET当作是一种开发.NET应用程序的语言.由于VB.NET的格式还是不成熟的,因此在本文中当我们谈到VB.NET时,我们将用VB7来命名VB.NET.(我们将在小标题中延续VB.NET
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语法 C#和VB.net的语法相差还是比较大的. 可能你会C#,可能你会VB. 将它们俩放在一起对比一下你就会很快读懂,并掌握另一门语言. 相信下面这张图会对你帮助很大. Comments VB.NET 'Single line onlyRem Single line only C# // Single line/* Multipleline *//// XML comments on single line/** XML comments on multiple lines */ Data